Black Sea Strategy by Stephen Agar
The Bulgarian Gambit by Doug Beyerlein
Conflict in Silesia by Stephen Agar
Driving a Juggernaut by Stephen Agar
Eggs in One Basket, Or, Tsarting Out Right by Chris Warren
A Fight to the Finnish by Tom Hubbard
The German Attack by John Dennett
How to Play Russia by Ian Allen
An Introduction to Russian Opening Strategy by Richard Hucknall
The Lapland Lurch by Mark Berch
The Livonian Lunacy by Mark Berch
The Octopus by Richard Sharp
Russia – A Personal View on Opening Strategy by Stephen Agar
The Russian/Austrian Alliance by Marc St Rose and Marcel van Vilet
Russia : Double Your Pleasure by Melinda Holley
Russia for Experts by Toby Harris
Russia’s Northern Offensive by Rod Walker
Russian Strategy by Don Turnbull
The Sealion by Edi Birsan
The Sealion Opening by John Dodds
Strategic Diplomacy (Part 8) – Russia by Harry Drews
Strategy for Playing Russia by Dave Scharf