Abode of the Abnormal Abbott (Jan Niechwiadowicz)
Absolute Zero (Adrian Zawierka)
Ac-Mong (Gordon McDonald)
Action Not Words (David Hewitt)
Action Replay (Andy Hain)
The Acolyte (Pete Tamlyn)
Ad Nauseam (Steve Pratt)
Age of Reason (Andrew Moss)
Aide de Camp (Douglas Mills)
Albatross / Comorant (Paul Humphreys, Ian Lee)
Astradyne (Ian Lee)
Albion (Don Turnbull)
An Taidhleoir (Der Garvey)
Arfle Barfle Gloop (Kris & Michelle Morris)
Argle Bargle / Brothers Grim (Simon Lindsay, Pete Lindsay)
Armistice Day (Stephen Agar)
Assassin’s Handbook (John Morgan)
ATU XVIII (Trevor Mendham)
Aut Vincere, Aut Mori (Paul Harper, Steve Hill)
Back To The Dark Ages (Richard Downes)
Backstabbers United Monthly (Malcolm Cornelius)
Bad Connexion (Dominic de Berchi)
Bats (Michael Heaton)
BDC Journal (Don Turnbull)
The Beeston Beagle (Greg Hawes)
Bela Lugosi’s Dead (Brian Dolton)
Bellicus (Will Haven)
Betelgeuse (Greg Hawes)
Blackmail (Mike Woodhouse)
Black Spot (Les Pimley)
Bleeder (Jeremy Snelling and others)
Bloodstock (Mick Haytack)
Blue Smarties (Martin Hansen)
Bohemian Rhapsody (Malcolm Smith)
Bolshevik Star (John Lettice and Gordon Neilson)
Boojum (Richard Morris)
Borealis (Ian Harris)
Born Losers (Edmund Morgan)
Box Frenzy (Chris Robey, Paul Clayton)
Breakdown (Martin Draper)
Bron Yr Aur (Pete Lindsay)
Bruce (Paul Simpkins)
Caissa (Norman Williams)
Carpe Diem (Gihan Bandaranaike)
Cassandra (Anthony Bourke, Damien Maddalena)
Casus Belli (Mark Strangward)
Certa Cito (Chiz Chisholm)
C’est Magnifique (Peter Sullivan)
Chimaera(Clive Booth)
Chronicle (Andrew Knowles)
The Church Mouse (Dave Thomas)
Comet (Ken Jones)
Coolnacran (Nicholas Whyte)
Courier (Don Turnbull)
Court Circular (Gordon Beck, Merf Adamson, Ken Brown and others)
Coyote (Steve Jilks)
Cui Bono (Iain Bowen)
The Cunning Plan (Neil Duncan)
Cut & Thrust (Derek Wilson and Glyn Roberts)
The Daily Mole (Pete Calcraft)
Dane’s Games (Dane Maslen)
De Excidio (Bill O’Neill)
Denver Glont (Glover Rogerson)
Der Krieg (Graham Jeffrey)
Diary Of A Dead Raven (Paul S Richards)
Dib Dib Dib (Tom Tweedy)
Die Grosse Dampfmaschine (Paul Norris)
Dingo (Paul Simpkins)
Diplomacy Quarterly (Pete Calcraft)
Diplomat (Malcolm Smith, Tony Marchese)
Dipsoc (William Preston)
Diversions (Richard Gooch)
Dolchstoss (Richard Sharp)
Don’t Shoot Me (Mike Benyon)
Down Alien Skies (Nick Shears)
Dragonlords (Mike Lewis)
The Drooling God (Paul Segal)
The Duck Dies At Midnight (Gary Lyon)
Duel Purpose (Mike Lean)