E – Variant Descriptions

ECONOMIC IV (Fred C. Davis Jnr).

(1) Robert Sacks in Lord of Hosts 3, February 1975.

Take a standard Davis map (almost); to each province assign a simple (1-4) revenue value; each fleet requires five points to maintain each year, each army four (except the first four Turkish armies which require only three points per year); allow loads, allow accumulation, and allow accumulated treasuries to be captured. The emphasis is on major power conflict, as there is less wealth in the minor powers than in the standard game. As every province has some value the game is substantially altered — no longer will any power meekly accept the presence of any enemy unit anywhere on its soil, and any unit dislodged hurts. Also, the build up of forces should be faster as each power except Turkey can afford to build two units in Winter 1901 even if it doesn’t take a single province. Stabs should be a lot blunter, and massive. Stalemate considerations should be very important. Interesting.

ELIMINATION (Doug Ronson).

Rules originally published in Paroxysm 5.

(1) Robert Sacks in Lord of Hosts 5, June 1975.

The first player to be completely eliminated or to obtain 18 centers wins. A highly amusing concept, but it could easily be drawn!

ET VOUS, COMMENT CA VA? (??) (??/07)

(1) MIGUEL LAMBOTTE in SOL 2 (October 1990)

The Mediterranean basin in 500AD. With dangerous navigation and the presence of sanctuaries where priests can call on the Gods who have powers to intervene in combat.


(1) JAMES NELSON in SPRINGY 45 (February 1991).

This is set in Britain around 500AD. Three of the players take the natives of Britain, whilst the remaining four represent invading Germanic tribes. A novel idea is that the invaders start on the outside of the map and work inwards, whilst the natives must do the opposite. There are a few special rules concerning the Germanic tribes, but basically just a map-change variant.

EXCOMMUNICATION! (Greg Costikyan).

Rules originally published in Urf Durfal 1.

(1) Robert Sacks in Lord of Hosts 7, September 1975.

A game for nine military players (Moors, Egypt, Turks, Byzantine Empire, Russia, England, France, Leon, Holy Roman Empire), four religious players (two Moslem, one Orthodox and one Christian `heretic’) and one who is both (Rome). Religious players have missions supported by religious supply centers, and win when they have converted half the land spaces (religious supply centers by occupation by missions; any other spaces by a convert order by any unit); in addition religious leaders may excommunicate a civil leader under him, putting that player into temporary civil disorder — however each player not under excommunication chooses which religious player he is subject to (without changing between Christian and Moslem); players subject to Rome cannot attack Roman units. One of the best concept amongst variants I have seen.

EXTENDED (Peter Scriber).

Rules originally Published in Cimmeria 23.

(1) Robert Sacks in Lord of Hosts 8, December 1975.

A simple map extension including Africa and the Middle East; any player eliminated from the original 34 centers goes into civil disorder; Italy, Russia and Turkey get an additional home center; Britain gets two colonial centers. And Austria, France and Germany get one each — units may be built in colonial centers only for captured supply centers within three land provinces. Interesting concepts. FALL OF EMPIRE (Steve Doubleday)

(1) STEVE AGAR in Spring Offensive 8 (January 1993)

A five player variant, this is one of the more complex historical variants, set in the period after the death of Alexander the Great and covers the breakup of the Macedonian Empire. Interesting features include taxation, looting, influence point, marriages, revolts and schisms.