Babylon 5 Strategy & Tactics

by Theo Kermanidis

The Centauri Republic

Centauri Republic Starting Position

Centauri Prime is the seat of power for the Centauri Republic. Together with its colony worlds Brakesh 9 and Davo the republic is but a shadow of its former glorious past. Surrounded by a rich cluser of supply worlds there is ample opportunity to expand quickly before other powers wish to share the same space. Flanked by its arch enemy the Narn Regime and the Drazi Freehold, the Centauri Ambassador will have plenty to negotiate.

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

The Kutai

ARMY Brakesh 9 -> Centauri Prime
FLEET Centauri Prime -> Inner Centauri Space
FLEET Davo -> Sector 51

A kutai is a Centauri sword and like its namesake this opening provides a thrust for the army into a group of three supply worlds.

Return To Past Glories

ARMY Brakesh 9 -> Centauri Prime
FLEET Centauri Prime -> Outer Centauri Space
FLEET Davo -> Sector 58

A pleasant site it is to see the Centauri forces on a mission to reclaim her past glories. A sound opening for a chance to capture two supply worlds.

Strategy Guide

Initially there is little choice but to capture as many supply worlds in the vicinity of the Centauri home worlds. The more supply worlds captured the better. From such a position it will be a matter of deciding which way to expand to, keeping in mind the Drazi and the Narns would only be too willing to muscle in on your gains.

The Drazi Freehold

Drazi Freehold Starting Position

Little is known of Drazi strategy and tactics other than they love a fight. When there isn’t a war on they love to busy themselves by fighting each other, and sometimes it does get deadly. A corner power, with the home world of Drazi, and nearby colony worlds of Draxis and Zagro 7 and surrounded by a plethora of supply worlds, the Drazi will be difficult to prize out.

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

Drazi Dust Up

FLEET Drazi Home World -> Inner Drazu
FLEET Zagros 9 -> Outer Drazu

A balanced opening spreading the thrust of the forces and getting a jump start of mopping up the nearby supply worlds.

Centaurs Strike

FLEET Drazi Home World -> Inner Drazu
FLEET Zagros 9 -> Sector 18

Similar to Drazi Dust Up but mainly orientated towards Centauri Republic space. This opening is ideal if there is any suggestion that the Centauri Republic intend to make you their first target.

Tik & Tok

ARMY Draxis -> Drazi Home World
FLEET Drazi Home World -> Sector 20
FLEET Zagros 9 -> Outer Drazu

This opening pushes the Drazi units towards Earth Alliance space and the meddling humans. It will be a proverbial space race to take as many supply worlds in this region before the humans get there.

Strategy Guide

The Drazi Freehold similar are similar to the Minbari Federation in that they have Earth Alliance forces on two fronts at the start of the game. Maybe this is enough to convince both races to work together towards a common goal? Meanwhile beware of Centauri forces encroaching your space. They can be your undoing.

The Earth Alliance

Earth Alliance Starting Position

The Earth Alliance boasts an array of colony worlds of Mars and Io and has an outpost Babylon 5 station. It is the only power to begin with 4 supply worlds with two fleet units based at Earth and Io, and two armies based at Mars and Babylon 5. The limited movement of the armies will be a critical concern to the ambassador of Earth Alliance forces. How to make best use of them? There are a myriad of worlds within easy jump to gain control of, but beware of opposition from Minbari and Drazi forces.

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

Army Shuttle

ARMY Mars -> Earth
ARMY Babylon 5 HOLDS
FLEET Earth -> Sector 1
FLEET Io -> Grid Epsilon

The Army Shuttle brings the armies into play early on. Convoys in the Fall turn will see two new supply worlds acquired for further expansion possibilities.

Proxima Bound

ARMY Babylon 5 HOLDS
FLEET Earth -> Inner Sol
FLEET Io -> Outer Sol

A chain of fleets will allow the Mars army to be convoyed to Proxima 3. Not as aggressive as the Army Shuttle resulting in only one build but a useful wait and see opening.

Operation Regulus

ARMY Mars -> Earth
ARMY Babylon 5 HOLDS
FLEET Earth -> Sector 1
FLEET Io -> Outer Sol

This opening concentrates Earth Alliance forces towards the Regulus region, and closer to Drazi space.

Strategy Guide

Who said it that Earth existed in a boring part of space? There are many supply worlds to pick from and it will be a race to secure the bulk of them. With the Minbari and Drazi flanking your space, the diplomacy between these races can never be more strongly stated. Try not to divide your forces and fight a two front war. There is a strong chance you could be crushed.

The Minbari Federation

Minbari Federation Starting Position

The Minbari Federation consits of the homeworld Minbar and the colony worlds Chudomo and Norsai. It is strategically located between Earth Alliance and the Vorlon Empire. Headed by the Grey Council the Minbaries have to play a balancing act between expansion and containing the Earth Alliance and the Vorlons from doing the same.

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

Valen’s March

ARMY Chudomo -> Minbar
FLEET Minbar -> Minbar Outer Realm
FLEET Norsai -> Sector 35

A well balanced opening positioning forces to guard both flanks while gaining valuable supply worlds. There are many supply worlds to choose from.

Vorlon Defence

FLEET Minbar -> Minbar Inner Realm
FLEET Norsai -> Sector 35

A chain of fleets will allow the army to be convoyed to Mirata 7. Not as aggressive as Valen’s March resulting in only one build but positions the bulk of the forces to defend against the Vorlons.

The Bonehead Maneuver

FLEET Minbar -> Minbar Outer Realm
FLEET Norsai -> Minbar Outer Realm

Uhm, what can I say!? An undecided Minbari opening that is aimed to amuse all but the Grey Council.

Strategy Guide

The Minbari road is a long one to conquest. Wereas rivals flank Minbari space, the greater spoils in supply worlds are towards the Galactic Bulge. Can the Minbari Ambassador risk dividing the forces between offense and defense?

The Narn Regime

Narn Regime Starting Position

The Narn Home World occupies a corner of the galactic map hemmed in by the Shadows and the Centauri Republic. Its colony worlds are D Grn and Dross. In their history, the Narns had twice freed themselves from occupation. First under the Shadows and more recently under the Centauri Republic. What will the Narn Ambassador do to ensure this will never happen again?

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

G’Quan’s Favour

ARMY D Grn -> Narn Home World
FLEET Narn Home World -> Narn Outer Space
FLEET Dross -> Quadrant 13

A very agressive opening creating a front against the Shadow Realm. There are many possibilities in the Fall for this opening including a convoy of the army to establish a new supply world.


ARMY D Grn -> Narn Home World
FLEET Narn Home World -> Narn Outer Space
FLEET Dross -> Quadrant 13

A Chad’rasha is the soul or center of a Narn, and only with balance can the soul be pure. This opening attains a balance in sending the two fleets in opposing directions. One fleet is poised within range of Shadow space, the other within range of Centauri space. Choose wisely from the myriad of supply worlds.

Flank Defense

FLEET Narn Home World -> Sector 70
FLEET Dross -> Sector 84

This opening aims to secure the flanks to Narn space. Not as aggressive as G’Quan’s Favour or Chad’rasha yet still can acquire two supply worlds.

Strategy Guide

As with all powers the key is to attain one reliable alliance, and where possible make that alliance with a power with a common enemy. For the Narns, it will be important to seek such an alliance with either the Vorlon Empire or the Drazi Freehold. Only with such an alliance could the Narns then be able to commit the bulk of her forces to one front. Choose that front wisely.

The Shadow Realm

Shadow Realm Starting Position

Z’Ha’Dum, that place that no one returns from. The dreaded home world of the Shadows. Their name says it all. The stuff of nightmares, a place where your deepest fears are realised. The two colony worlds of Kepti and the Outer Rim give the Shadows a threatning presence in the galaxy. Will you the Shadow ambassador dare to unless the dark hordes?

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

Dark Lord

FLEET Z Ha Dum -> Rim Space
FLEET Kepti -> Sector 88

Unleash the full potential of your fleet. There are many choices from this opening. A convoy perhaps?

Return To The Deep

ARMY Outer Rim -> Z Ha Dum
FLEET Z Ha Dum -> Sector 86
FLEET Kepti -> Sector 71

A chain of fleets will allow the army to be convoyed towards the Narn frontier, once a Shadow stronghold until driven off by G’Quan’s forces.

Strategy Guide

The Shadows have an awesome reputation preceeding them and it will be a difficult task to move subtley. Diplomacy is the key to keeping your neighbours guessing to your real intentions. There are many supply worlds nearby to add to your dominions. Best make haste before you waste!

The Vorlon Empire

Vorlon Empire Starting Position

The mysterious Vorlons are exactly that. No one knows what they look like, and communications with other races isn’t high priority. But things are different this time. The stakes are high and alliances are necessary to ensure survival. As the Vorlon ambassador, what choices will you make?

The following is a list of openings and some ideas about strategy.

Openings List

Mystery Attack

FLEET Vorlon Home World -> Vorlon Outer Space
FLEET Virana -> Quadrant 48

A penetrating opening towards the galactic center. There are several choices for a destination if you should chose to convoy.

To Minbar

FLEET Vorlon Home World -> Vorlon Outer Space
FLEET Virana -> Quadrant 90

Similar to Mystery Attack but mostly concentrating on the border worlds between Vorlan and Minbari space.

Strategy Guide

The Vorlon Empire has two main threats to consider, the Shadow Realm and Minbari Federation. The later is easier to deal with by capturing the bordering supply worlds before the Minbari do, this will provide valuable builds to then concentrate on a defense against the Shadows. But watch out that the Shadows don’t make the jump first into your space.