- (no title)
- About this site
- Contents
- Alphabetical list of Variants by Name
- A – Variants
- Aberration VI (cn15)
- Abstraction II (cb30)
- Africa 82 (dm02)
- African Diplomacy (dm04)
- African Diplomacy II (dc02)
- Age of Pericles (ag08)
- Air Power Diplomacy (rn46)
- Air Units (rn44)
- Alpha Variant (rb122)
- Alternative World Diplomacy-I (mi01)
- Amazon Diplomacy (lr02)
- Ambiguity II (rb47)
- Ambition & Empire V (hc11)
- Ambition & Empire VI (hc12)
- Anarchy IV (rh03)
- Anarchy VI (rh05)
- Ancient Mediterranean (ac18)
- Anonymity III (rb03)
- Aotearoa (en02)
- Ard-Ri (pi07)
- Arms Merchant Diplomacy (rm96)
- Army / Fleet Rules Module (rb22)
- Arpiesse Diplomacy (cc10)
- Asian Diplomacy III (ea05)
- Asian Diplomacy IV (ea06)
- Axis & Allies Meets Diplomacy (rv19)
- B – Variants
- Babylon 5 Diplomacy (st04)
- Backseat Driver Diplomacy (rm82)
- Balkan Battle (pb09)
- Balkan Wars IV (pb07)
- Baltic (ps02)
- Barbaria (ma02)
- Baseball Diplomacy (ra01)
- Basic Diplomacy (vb08)
- Battle of the Five Armies (tw03)
- Battleisle (uu21)
- Bid Diplomacy (rb64)
- Bio-War (rn11)
- Bizarro Diplomacy (rb04)
- Black Hole Diplomacy I (rr01)
- Black Hole Diplomacy II (rr09)
- Blind Diplomacy (rd08)
- Blind Diplomacy 1801 (rd18)
- Blind Diplomacy II (rd24)
- Blob Diplomacy (rr12)
- Blood & Iron (pg02)
- Boer Diplomacy (dc03)
- Bretwalda I (pe26)
- Bretwalda II (pe27)
- Bridge Diplomacy (rb16)
- Britain (cg02)
- British Gunboat (rb58)
- British Isles Regional Diplomacy “BIRD” (pe30)
- Bud-Bop (rt09)
- The Balkan Variant (pb11)
- C – Variants
- Cabinet Diplomacy (rm64)
- Canton Diplomacy (ea07)
- Capitalist Diplomacy (circa 1897) (us10)
- Capitalist Diplomacy (us02)
- Caribbean Diplomacy (lc02)
- Caribbean Diplomacy II (lc06)
- Cartel Diplomacy (rs26)
- Catspaw Diplomacy (rz03)
- Caucasia (pr03)
- Chained Lightning (rb50)
- Chaos (rh13)
- Chaos II (rh06)
- Chromatic Diplomacy (ug16)
- Chronos (rb121)
- City / Country Diplomacy (rm27)
- Civilization Diplomacy (rm95)
- Classical Diplomacy (ac17)
- Classix (rs44)
- Cognac (rb06)
- Collapse of the Confederacy (nu11)
- Collapse of the Dual Empire (pa01)
- Colonia VIIb (gh14)
- Colonial America (np02)
- Colonisation Diplomacy II (rw05)
- Compilation of Simple Variants (rp02)
- Contretemps (“II”) (cb57)
- Crazy Whacko (CW) Heptadiplomacy (rm70)
- Crazy Whako Heptadiplomacy
- Croatia Diplomacy (cm10)
- Crowded Diplomacy (rb84)
- Crusade 1200 (mc06)
- Cryptodiplomacy I (rb18)
- Crystal Ball Diplomacy (cc09)
- D – Variants
- Davis Diplomacy (cm05)
- Deadman Diplomacy (rd05)
- Definitive Vain Rats (rg09)
- Deluge (ru02)
- Deluge II (ru10)
- Democracy (rm87)
- Democratic Diplomacy (rs19)
- Deviant Diplomacy (rc04)
- Deviant Diplomacy II (rc08)
- Deviants (rs07)
- Diadochi V (ac03)
- Diadokhoi (ac21)
- Dip-Tac-Toe (uh02)
- Dipconomy (re08)
- Diplobucks (rm51)
- Diplochess (uh01)
- Diplodocus II (rh09)
- Diplomacy – The Gathering II (rg19)
- Diplomacy – The Gathering (rg18)
- Diplomacy Central (vj09)
- Diplomacy in Surprisingly Bad Taste (vj16)
- Diplomacy Lite (vb15)
- Diplomacy Royale (rv18)
- Diplomacy Teams (rt10)
- Diplomacy with Escalating Technology (re06)
- Diplomap (ru12)
- Diplomatic Diplomacy (rb07)
- Diplomyopia (rd02)
- Diplowinn (rb15)
- Dipnomicy (rc09)
- Dipnomicy II (rc10)
- Dipshomashy (rm41)
- Dirigible Diplomacy (rn17)
- Dixie Diplomacy (nu12)
- Dollar Diplomacy II (vg01)
- Double Diplomacy (rm90)
- Double Secret Diplomacy (ch02)
- Downfall of the Lord of the Rings – Hardbop (ts27)
- Downfall of the Lord of the Rings XIII (ts33)
- Dreadnought Diplomacy (rn02)
- Dudness (rr11)
- Duo (rx30)
- Dates & Numbers
- 1492 (ue01)
- 1600 (hb09)
- 1700 AD II (hc06)
- 1720 (hc10)
- 1776 II – American Revolution Diplomacy (ne04)
- 1847 (pg04)
- 1885-III (hp03)
- 1897 (rs51)
- 1898 (rs59)
- 1900 (hp07)
- 1913 (rs57)
- 1939-VI (qh21)
- 1958 Diplomacy (cb05)
- 34, 35, 36… (rb39)
- 4-Man Diplomacy (rf10)
- 5-Man II (rf04)
- 7-Island Diplomacy (cm09)
- Rules For Fewer Than Seven (1961 Rulebook)
- E / F – Variants
- Eagles (ar09)
- Easter Island Diplomacy (vb14)
- Eckert’s Napoleonic Diplomacy (hn01)
- Economic Diplomacy IV (re03)
- Egypt Diplomacy (cm06)
- Elitist (rn27)
- Empire IV (na06)
- English Civil War IIa (pe18)
- Envoy (rm43)
- Erratic Diplomacy II (rc03)
- Escalation Diplomacy II (rf15)
- Espionage Diplomacy IV (rn33)
- European Diplomacy (ce05)
- Eurotunnel Diplomacy (rb68)
- Everybody Plays (vj08)
- Excalibur (pe02)
- Exchange Diplomacy (ys11)
- Extra Supply Centers (rb92)
- Factional Diplomacy (rm88)
- Fall of Rome (ar08)
- Far East I-R (ee02)
- Federation (od04)
- Feudal Diplomacy I (mi03)
- Feudal Diplomacy IV (fn06)
- Fiascomacy (rf13)
- Fin de Siecle (gp38)
- Fink Variant Rule (rb10)
- Five Italies (ug12)
- Fleet Rome (rb41)
- Fluid Diplomacy I (rs08)
- Foe-Nazu (rm04)
- Fog of War (rd22)
- Formal Diplomacy (rm91)
- Future Tense Diplomacy (rb54)
- G / H – Variants
- Game of the Clans II (pe10)
- Game of the Clans III (pe29)
- Game of Thrones Diplomacy I (fg01)
- Game of Thrones Diplomacy II (fg02)
- Geophysical Diplomacy I (ru03)
- Geophysical Diplomacy III (ru04)
- Get Them Dots Now! (rb62)
- Global Diplomacy II (gp33)
- Global Diplomacy III (gp35)
- Goals Diplomacy (rb114)
- Goofy (rb103)
- Gotham – Taxi Cab variant (ns12)
- Gotham (ns11)
- Grand Tournament Diplomacy (rv09)
- Great Lakes Variant (ns10)
- Growth (rn06)
- Guerrilla Warfare II (cb26)
- Gunboat Diplomacy (rb32)
- Gunboat II (rb59)
- Half Chaos (rh14)
- Hard Choice Dippy (rn03)
- Heiau Diplomacy (np04)
- Heisenberg Diplomacy (rn14)
- Hellas (ag07)
- Heptarchy I (pe23)
- Heptarchy II (pe24)
- Heptarchy III (pe22)
- Heptarchy IV (pe25)
- Hidden Strength (rb25)
- High Speed Diplomacy (rz09)
- Hitch-Hiker! (cb36)
- Hoplite Wars (ag06)
- Hugh’s Engineered Diplomacy Variant (rn45)
- Hundred (pn03)
- Hyborian Age Variant II (fh02)
- I / J / K / L – Variants
- Iberian Diplomacy (ph02)
- Illegal Gunboat (rb91)
- Impassable Diplomacy (ru05)
- Imperial Diplomacy (rm50)
- Imperial Diplomacy II (gh13)
- Indianomacy II (np01)
- Indians of the Great Lakes (np03)
- Infiltration (rd15)
- International Relations (rv20)
- Intimate Diplomacy I-A (rx03)
- Intimate Diplomacy II (rx29)
- Invasion 44 AD (ab01)
- Invasions I (ar12)
- Invasions II (ar13)
- Invasions III (ar15)
- Investment Diplomacy (re16)
- Irish Diplomacy I (rr05)
- It Came From Outer Space (rm80)
- Karibik (lc04)
- Karma League (rs29)
- Key’s Rule Diplomacy (rb17)
- Kriegsplomacy (Kriegspiel Diplomacy IV) (rd07)
- Land Bridge Diplomacy (I-A) (cb47)
- Land Bridge III (cb58)
- Latin American Diplomacy (lb02)
- Layered Diplomacy (rs53)
- Life Diplomacy (ra10)
- LiMa Ib (cb24)
- Lincoln’s Nightmare (gp36)
- Loeb’s Nine Player Variant (cn13)
- London Nights (pe17)
- Lord of Hosts (ap02)
- M – Variants
- M.A.D. Diplomacy (rn12)
- Machiavelli (pw02)
- Machiavelli II (pw10)
- Machiavelli III (pw11)
- Mad Diplomacy (rv04)
- Maharajah’s Diplomacy (ei06)
- Maharajah’s Diplomacy II (ei07)
- Mandate of Heaven (ec04)
- Mare Nostrum Annos? (ar11)
- Martian Diplomacy (rm46)
- McInTinker Diplomacy (vj11)
- Medieval Diplomacy VI (me03)
- MegaStab (rd23)
- Mercator Rules (1985 Ed.) (gp24)
- Mercator XIV (gp28)
- Mercenary Diplomacy II (re14)
- Mercenary I (rs10)
- Middle-Earth Diplomacy II (tw01)
- Middle-Earth Diplomacy VIII (ta04)
- Middle-Earth IX (ta06)
- Middle-Earth X (ta07)
- Migraine Diplomacy (ug17)
- Migrating Supply Center (rr13)
- Milan Diplomacy (cm04)
- Mind Reader (rb65)
- Minefield Diplomacy II (rb53)
- Minor Power (rs54)
- Missing Man (rf11)
- Mobilization Diplomacy (rb116)
- Mobtown II (uu14)
- Modern Diplomacy II (qp07)
- Modern Diplomacy III (qp11)
- Multi-Diplomacy (rm38)
- Multinational Diplomacy (nu10)
- Multiplicity (I) (rn05)
- Multiplicity II (rn07)
- Multiplicity Plus (rn42)
- Multiplomacy (cb13)
- N / O / P / Q – Variants
- Napoleonic Wars (hn15)
- Narnian Wars (fl01)
- Naval Diplomacy (Bloody Diplomacy) (rv10)
- Necromancer (ts30)
- Nessie Variant (pe28)
- Neutrals Diplomacy (rw06)
- NMR Diplomacy (rb94)
- Northern Ireland Diplomacy (pi06)
- Nuclear Diplomacy (I) (rn13)
- Nuclear Diplomacy IV (rn29)
- Nuclear Yuppie Evil Empire Diplomacy (rn39)
- Octarine 0.2 (fp03)
- Octarine 0.4 (fp02)
- Octarine 0.6 (fp01)
- Off-Board Box Diplomacy (cb42)
- Ooh Ever So Nasty Diplomacy (rb117)
- Pacifist Diplomacy (rb48)
- Paraguay (lr03)
- Paranoia (rm85)
- Passable Switzerland (rb87)
- Payola (rm86)
- Payola Classic (rm94)
- Perestroika V (re22)
- Pern (fm01)
- Phased Diplomacy (rb124)
- Pirates of the Caribbean (lc03)
- Pointless Diplomacy (vb06)
- Portage Variant (rb118)
- Post-Atomic Diplomacy (Europe 2020) (qr03)
- Post-Modern Africa (dm06)
- Post-Modern Europe I (qp09)
- Post-Modern Europe II (qp10)
- Powers and Pirates (ce03)
- Pride of Armies (cb35)
- Propaganda (rm89)
- Pure (vb10)
- Qharmah (Karma) (rb40)
- Questionable Character Diplomacy (rg13)
- R / S – Variants
- New Nations Diplomacy (rs58)
- Random Diplomacy (rs11)
- Random Diplomacy II (rs52)
- Range War (ns06)
- Rapid Deployment Diplomacy (rb125)
- Rather Silly Diplomacy II ½ (vj15)
- Reagan Diplomacy III (lc05)
- Renaissance Diplomacy (me01)
- Renaissance Diplomacy II (me04)
- Replay (rb113)
- Republic (pi05)
- Reversed Diplomacy (uu22)
- Revolutionary Modern (qp08)
- Rise of Rome I (ac19)
- Rise of Rome II (ac20)
- River Diplomacy (rb119)
- Rock, Scissors, Paper Diplomacy (ra11)
- Roman Diplomacy (ac13)
- Root Z Diplomacy (cb60)
- Sahara (ru11)
- Sail Ho! I (fn07)
- Sail Ho! II (fn08)
- Satrap (ai01)
- Schizodiplomacy I (rr14)
- Schizodiplomacy II (rr07)
- Scorched Earth Diplomacy (rb86)
- Second Chance Diplomacy II (rb90)
- Secret Spy Diplomacy (rd25)
- Seeing is Believing (rd21)
- Seismic Diplomacy (rr17)
- Sengoku (ej04)
- Sequential Diplomacy (rs24)
- Setup Diplomacy (rs56)
- Seven Blind Whisperers In One Big Darkness (rd34)
- SFRJ Diplomacy (pb12)
- Shadow Worlds (rs14)
- Shell Shock Diplomacy (rm76)
- Shift Left and Shift Right (rb95)
- Shifting Diplomacy (rc05)
- Simple Multiplicity (rn43)
- Slightly Silly Diplomacy (vj21)
- Somewhat Demiurgic Diplomacy (rc02)
- Sorcerous Diplomacy (rb57)
- South America I [3.2] (ls08)
- South America II [5.1] (ls09)
- South American Supremacy (ls10)
- South East Asia III (es09)
- Spy Diplomacy (rd16)
- Stab! (rd29)
- Star Trek Civilisation Diplomacy (st02)
- Star Trek Diplomacy (st01)
- Star Trek Diplomacy II (st03)
- Stonehenge Diplomacy II (mb06)
- Survive Diplomacy (za04)
- T / U Variants
- Taskdip (rf12)
- Telepath Diplomacy (rb42)
- Ten-Player Diplomacy (rm60)
- Terrestrial Chaos (rh11)
- Terrorism I (rm36)
- The Balkan War (pb01)
- The Crusader Kingdoms of Outremer (mc05)
- The Fall of Constantinople (me02)
- The Great Patriotic War (qh07)
- The Great War II (rx22)
- The Knight of the Slavonian Plain (pa02)
- The Mad Italian! (rb88)
- The Pope (rb89)
- The Twentieth Century (gf33)
- There Are Aliens Among Us (rm28)
- Time Lords (rd17)
- Tin Cup Diplomacy (rm93)
- Totally Random Diplomacy (rc07)
- Touch (rb120)
- Troubleshooter (ys02)
- Twilight Zone Diplomacy (uc02)
- Twin Earths Diplomacy I (rs16)
- Twin Earths Diplomacy III (rm11)
- U-Boat (cb37)
- Ultimate Shambles (rh12)
- USA (ce06)
- Utter Chaos (rr08)
- Utterly Ludicrous Diplomacy (yp01)
- Utterly Ruthless Diplomacy (rm40)
- V / W / X / Y / Z Variants
- Diplomacy of Ice and Fire II (fg07)
- V8 (ce07)
- Vain Rats III (rg07)
- Vain Star (rg11)
- Versailles (qf01)
- Viking Diplomacy IV (ma12)
- Vote (Elective Diplomacy II) (rt06)
- Wall of Ice (ru13)
- War in Bosnia (pb10)
- War in North America (na05)
- War in the Americas (na07)
- War of Europe (rs46)
- Warhammer Diplomacy (fm05)
- Warlock Diplomacy (rg20)
- Wars of the Roses (pe05)
- Wars of the Roses II (pe16)
- Warwick (pe12)
- We’ve Been Shafted By a Guy Who Cancelled Out on Us (rb14)
- Westeros III (fg08)
- Wild Bill Donovan Variant (rb45)
- Winter 1898 (rb78)
- Winter 1900 (rs35)
- Winter Is Coming (fg04)
- Woolworth Diplomacy II-D (cb19)
- World Diplomacy IX [II] (gf36)
- World Diplomacy VII [I] (gf34)
- World Diplomacy VIII [1] (gf35)
- World War I Diplomacy (rx07)
- World War IV (v.1) (gf37)
- World War IV (v.4.1) (gf38)
- World War IV Formal (gf39)
- Wraparound Diplomacy (cb61)
- X2 (rb126)
- Xenophobia (rb123)
- Young Kingdoms II (fy04)
- Youngstown IVa (xm23)
- Zero Sum Payola (rm92)
- Zeus IV (gf09)
- Zeus V (gf10)
- Zeus V-F (gf11)
- A – Variants
- Contribute
- Diplomacy Zines
- Age of Reason (Review)
- Borealis (Review)
- C’est Magnifique (Review)
- Dib Dib Dib – A History
- Dolchstoss (August – October 1974)
- Dolchstoss (July-October 1975)
- Dolchstoss (Review)
- Electric Monk
- Gallimaufry (Review)
- Greatest Hits (Nov 74 – Jan 75)
- NERTZ (Now Eat the Rabbit) (Review)
- NMR! (March-May 80)
- Ode (Review)
- Pyrrhic Victory (Review)
- Rats live on no evil staR
- Sidewalk
- Smodnoc (Review)
- Subzines – The Publisher’s Little Helper
- The Church Mouse
- The Encyclopedia of UK and Irish Diplomacy Zines (A-C)
- The Greatest UK Diplomacy Zines Of All Time?
- The History of Fall of Eagles
- The Laughing Roundhead (Review)
- The Naming of Zines
- The Start of Ethil the Frog
- The Thing on the Mat (January-April 1985)
- Vienna (May-June 85)
- Y Ddraig Goch (Review)
- Face-to-Face Diplomacy
- 1995 NDC Qualifiers
- A NMR in Namur – EuroDipCon 97
- A Short History of WorldDipCon
- An Insider’s View of MidCon XVII (1995)
- AtlantiCon 1993: A Chronology
- AvalonCon 95
- C-Diplo – Saint or Sinner?
- CanCon ’96
- Cox on OxCon 97
- DipCon XXVII at AvalonCon
- Diplomacy – Bridging the Generation Gap
- Diplomacy is a Race!
- EuroDipCon 3 / MasterCon 2
- EuroDipCon III 1995
- EuroDipCon IV
- FinDipCon II Results
- GenCon 99 (Milwaukee, USA)
- ManorCon 1997
- ManorCon 2003
- ManorCon IV (1986)
- ManorCon VII (1989)
- ManorCon X
- ManorCon XVII (1999)
- MasterCon 3 (1996)
- Memoirs of a Convention Organiser (OxCon 1998)
- Meta-Gaming and Diplomacy
- MidCon – The National Diplomacy Championship 1994
- MidCon 92
- MidCon 92 – A Pint of Theakstons
- MidCon 96
- MidCon III (1981)
- NDC 1995 Tournament Scoring System
- OxCon 1993 Results
- OxCon 1994 Results
- OxCon 1997
- OxCon 2001
- RamsdenCon 97 – the Organiser’s View
- RamsdenCon II (1996)
- Scoring in Diplomacy Tournaments
- Son of SpeccyCon (1998)
- The Hurst Tournament Mean System (HTM)
- The London Trophy 1999
- The Top Table – Good or Bad?
- Unethical Practices in FtF Diplomacy
- WorldDipCon V
- Hobby History
- 1972 – A Year in Diplomacy
- 1995 Runestone Poll Top Ten
- A Brief History of the US Diplomacy Hobby (1963-1992)
- A Cautionary Tale
- A History of Postal Diplomacy in the UK
- A Look at what Happened to the Postal Games Hobby in 1982
- Allan B Calhamer
- An Intimate Affair
- Birth of Seven Nations
- Bob Kendrick
- Constructive Criticism, Negativity or Feud?
- Diplomacy in Norway
- Everything You Always Wanted To Know About the NGC (Pt.1)
- Going Where No Dot Had Gone Before
- If it Was Good Enough For Mr. ABC, it’s Good Enough For You
- John Dodds
- John Piggott
- Memories of the Great Feud
- Obituary of Allan Calhamer
- Richard Sharp
- Richard Walkerdine
- The 1971 Rulebook
- The Candidture of Cerebus the Aardvark
- The End of the Hobby As We Know It?
- The Future of the Hobby (Spring 1993)
- The History of the UK Diplomacy Zine Poll (1973-88)
- The OGRe’s Dilemma
- The Origin of Postal Diplomacy in the UK
- The Pulp is Past
- The True Story of Filibuster Game Six
- Thoughts on the 1994 Diplomacy Zine Poll
- Tom Tweedy
- Twenty Five Years of Grabbing Dots
- What’s In A Name?
- Why Richard Was Almost Right
- Zine Poll 1995 – Top Ten
- Zine Poll Top Twenty 1992
- Interviews
- List of Variants by ARDA classification
- Lost Variants
- Missing Zines
- Rulebooks, Rules, Diplomacy Sets and Software
- A Discussion of House Rules
- Adjudicating Diplomacy Games by Computer
- Artificial Intelligence and Diplomacy
- Diplomacy Sets
- Amateur Diplomacy Items
- Avalon Hill Editions
- Calhamer Editions of Diplomacy
- Canadian Editions
- Commercial Diplomacy Software
- Diplomacy Editions – Summary
- Diplomacy Sets – Variations Summary
- Diplomacy Sets Timeline
- European Editions
- Gamer’s Guide to Diplomacy
- Games Research Editions of Diplomacy
- Gibsons Games Editions
- Intellectual Diversions Editions
- Machiavelli Editions
- Non-European Editions
- Other Commercial Variants
- Other Diplomacy Books
- Philmar Editions (UK)
- Hasbro Diplomacy Software Focus Group Report
- More About Convoys
- Reviews of Micropose Diplomacy Software
- The Ultimate Tactical Ploy and Diplomatic Challange: The Rulebook Contradiction
- Tips on Getting Multiplayer Micropose Diplomacy to Work
- We Don’t Need No Steenkin’ Rules
- Site Map
- The ARDA Classification System
- A. Ancient Period (to 475 A.D)
- ARDA and Miller Numbers
- B. Bio-Sphere Games
- C. Europe 1901-1919 (Modifications of the Basic Game)
- D. Africa
- E. Australasia, Asia and Middle East
- F. Fantasy Settings
- G. Global Games
- H. Europe, 1501-1900
- L. Central and South America
- M. Europe, 476-1500 (Medieval)
- N. North America
- O. Oceans
- P. European Regions
- Q. Europe After 1920
- R. Rules Revisions Using the Regular Board (No or Minor Map Changes)
- S. Science Fiction and Space
- T. Tolkien-Based Games
- U. Abstract and Hypothetical Scenarios
- V. Put-On, Jokes, and Satires
- W. Western Hemisphere
- X. Expansions of the Regular Board
- Y. Diplomacy-Related Games – Non-Variants
- Z. Political Games
- The Don Turnbull Archive
- The Game of Diplomacy
- 1. Fundamentals
- 10. France
- 11. Introduction to Postal Diplomacy
- 12. Vive La Difference!
- 13. Variants
- 2. “The smyler with the knyf under the cloke”
- 3. More About Tactics
- 4. England
- 5. Germany
- 6. Russia
- 7. Turkey
- 8. Austria
- 9. Italy
- Appendix
- Book Review – “The Game of Diplomacy”
- Introduction
- Is Diplomacy in the UK Unbalanced?
- Variant Articles
- 17eme – Seismic Diplomacy Game Report
- A Brief History of Zeus IV and V
- A Call To Arms Against Crap Variants
- An Intimate Affair
- Babylon 5 Strategy & Tactics
- Bears, Bulls And Any Other Bugger. Keep Them Out Of China’s Shop
- Between a Rock and A Hard Place: How to Work as the Turk
- CDD Lab Notes
- Central Stalemate Lines
- Changing the Diplomacy Map
- Colonial Diplomacy – A Review
- Colonial Diplomacy – Part 1 The British
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 2 – The Chinese
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 3 – The Dutch
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 4 – The French
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 5 – The Japanese
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 6 – The Russians
- Colonial Diplomacy Part 7 – The Turks
- Conan the Barbarian
- Designing Maps for Diplomacy Variants
- Diplomacy – Default by Design?
- Eastern Stalemate Lines
- Elric of Melnibone
- Errata as published by Avalon Hill
- Fair Shares? Going Dutch In The Dutch East Indies
- French Indo-China. Another Vietnam? – Not With A Little Cochin
- Get a Little Train-in’ For Russia
- In The Colonial Stew: An Analysis of the Hot Spots in Colonial Diplomacy
- Intimate Diplomacy – Thoughts on Strategy and Tactics
- Is it Thanksgiving again? Turkish Strategy for Colonial Diplomacy
- Japan – The Land of Opportunity
- Machiavelli – A Primer for Diplomacy Players
- Middle Earth IX & X Design Notes
- Networking Zeus IV
- OK Gunga Din. Now What?
- Opening Strategy for Turkey
- Openings in the Ancient Mediterranean
- Playing France in Colonial Diplomacy
- Suez Stalemate Lines
- The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
- The Moulmein Convention
- The Problem With Fantasy Variants
- The Rising Sun. Is Japan’s Star On The Up?
- The Strategies of the Ancient Mediterranean
- The Sun Never Sets: A Strategic Analysis of Colonial Diplomacy
- Variations On A Theme
- Variations to the basic rules of Colonial Diplomacy
- Western Stalemate Lines
- Why I Love Colonia VII
- Will The Sun Ever Set On The British Empire?
- Variant Descriptions
- 1-9 – Variant Descriptions
- A – Variant Descriptions
- B – Variant Descriptions
- C – Variant Descriptions
- D – Variant Descriptions
- E – Variant Descriptions
- F – Variant Descriptions
- G – Variant Descriptions
- H – Variant Descriptions
- I – Variant Descriptions
- J – Variant Descriptions
- K – Variant Descriptions
- L – Variant Descriptions
- M – Variant Descriptions
- N – Variant Descriptions
- O – Variant Descriptions
- P – Variant Descriptions
- Q – Variant Descriptions
- R – Variant Descriptions
- S – Variant Descriptions
- T – Variant Descriptions
- U – Variant Descriptions
- V – Variant Descriptions
- W – Variant Descriptions
- X – Variant Descriptions
- Y – Variant Descriptions
- Z – Variant Descriptions
- Zines in the Archive
- 0 – 9
- A-B-C-D
- Abode of the Abnormal Abbott
- Absolute Zero
- Ac-Mong
- Action Not Words
- Ad Nauseam
- Albatross / Comorant
- Albion
- Armistice Day
- Bela Lugosi’s Dead
- Bellicus
- Betelgeuse
- Bloodstock
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Bolshevik Star
- Borealis
- Bron Yr Aur
- Chimaera
- Courier
- Court Circular
- Cut and Thrust
- Denver Glont
- Dib Dib Dib
- Diplomat
- Dolchstoss
- The Cunning Plan
- E-F-G-H
- Eclipsor
- Ethil the Frog
- Fall Of Eagles
- Ferkin
- Fifth Column
- Filibuster
- Fire and Ice
- Fit of Rage
- Fokker Fodder
- For Whom The Die Rolls
- Fox (prev. Diplomatic Report)
- Fury of the Northmen
- Gallimaufry
- Ghot
- God Save The Zine
- Greatest Hits
- Griffin
- Ground Zero
- Gummiballs
- Hannibal
- He’s Dead Jim!
- Hobby News
- Hopscotch
- The Fat Lady Sings
- The Fool Plays On
- I-J-K-L-M
- Lost Zines
- Material Related to Cons
- Material Related to Hobby Organisations
- Miscellaneous Flyers
- N-O-P-Q-R
- New Statsman
- NMR!
- Obsidian
- Ode
- On The Game
- Outbreak of Heresy
- Outbreak Of Heresy
- Party
- Pendulum
- Perfidious Albion
- Personal Foul
- Perspiring Dreams
- Pheonix (I)
- Pheonix (II)
- Pigbutton
- Pigmy
- PowerPlay
- Prisoners Of War
- Protoplasm
- Psychomayhem
- Psychopath
- Puppet Theatre News
- Putty Riffo
- Pyrrhic Victory
- Quartz
- Queen’s Lane Advertiser
- Railway Rivals Recorder / Rostherne Games Review
- Ratadan
- Rats Live On No Evil Star
- Retief
- Ripping Yarns
- The Norns
- The Numbers Game
- The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
- The Ring
- S – T
- U-V-W-X-Y-Z
- The White Cat
- The Wind’s Twelve Quarters
- The Yorkshire Gallant
- Underneath The Mango Tree
- Up Around The Bend
- Variable Title / Variable Pig / Polar Pig
- Variant Openings
- Variants & Uncles [Mark I]
- Veni Vidi Vici
- Vienna
- War Bulletin
- Watch Your Back
- We Kill For Peace
- Where Is My Mind?
- Who Cares?
- Who Me?
- Who’s Where?
- Winter Retreat
- XL
- Year of the Rat
- Yer Tiz
- Yggdarsil
- Zine To Be Believed
- Alphabetical list of Variants by Name
- A Little Original Sin
- Back To The Dark Ages
- Black Spot
- Carpe Diem
- Chronicle
- Dane’s Games
- Diary Of A Dead Raven
- Diplomacy A – Z
- Diplomacy Games Manager (Version 3.54)
- Diplomacy of Ice and Fire I (fg06)
- Diplomacy of Ice and Fire III (fg09)
- Diplomacy Quarterly
- Froggy
- Humour
- A Visit to the Asylum
- Allan B. Calhamer is a Phallic Symbol
- By a Whisker
- Diplomacy and Star Trek
- Dippy Double Talk
- Does Yours Stand Erect?
- How I Lost The War : Count Vlad Remembers
- How To Tell If You’re A Hobby Old Fart
- One Certain Way To Gain Alliances
- Tales from Bedbug Island: Please Allow Room For My Armies
- The Art to find the Mind’s Construction in a Face
- The Double Eagle
- The True Story!
- mais n’est-ce pas la gare
- Mopsy
- Rane Gyrine
- Strategy & Tactics
- Alliances
- Alliance-Breaking, Double-Crossing and the Balance of Power Principle
- Anschluss
- Black Sea Strategy
- Driving a Juggernaut
- Hey Bresto!
- How To Make Love In Western Europe: The Triple Alliance
- Opposite Theatre Alliances
- Playing the Key Lepanto (and living to tell the tale)
- Prising the French Snail out of his Shell
- Stalking the Perfect Alliance
- Taking The Lepanto To Its Illogical Conclusion
- The Entente Cordiale
- The Lepanto Opening
- The Northern Tier Alliance
- The Peacekeeper
- The Russian/Austrian Alliance
- The Sealion
- The Sealion Opening
- The Triple Alliance
- Triple Alliances
- Was I Right?
- Articles by Alan B. Calhamer
- Austria
- End-Game
- England
- France
- General Strategy Articles
- “Military Intelligence”
- A Diplomacy Game Should Always End In A Draw
- A Fight to the Finnish
- A Myth Defended
- Caution – Used and Abused (Part 1)
- Caution – Used and Abused (Part 2)
- Classic Games – 1969BG – ALBION 69/1
- Classic Games – 1979JD – FOE 29
- Diplomacy and the U.S. Army’s “Principles of War”
- Diplomacy Pt.1
- Diplomacy Tips
- Diplomatic Schizophrenia
- Duh! Diplomacy
- Formulating a Strategy
- From Here To There : Grand Strategy
- How to Play Postal Diplomacy and Win (or at least draw)
- How to Solo
- Introduction to Diplomacy
- Is There Too Much Emphasis On Winning?
- Let’s Get Personal!
- Malicious Support: Diplomacy’s Ultimate Force Multiplier
- Munich: The Most Vital Centre On The Board
- Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Prince” A Textbook for Diplomacy
- Objectives Other Than Winning
- Son of Scatter Theory
- Stabbing Made Easy
- Strategic Diplomacy – Generalities (Part 1)
- The “Bait and Switch” in Diplomacy
- The Ambassador Unit
- The Art of Diplomacy
- The Dialectics of Diplomacy
- The Diplomacy Hit Parade
- The Influence of Sea Power in Diplomacy
- The Little Guy
- The Odd Theory
- The Scatter Technique
- The Subtle Joys of Being Little
- The Tactics of Diplomacy
- The Tactics of Diplomacy
- To Stab or Not to Stab
- Trust Me (And Other Tall Tales)
- Unexpected Bounces
- Which country has the best defensive position in Diplomacy?
- Germany
- Italy
- A Key Lepanto Double Cross
- How to Play Italy
- How to Play Italy
- Italian Dominance
- Italian Strategy
- Italy – Thinking Beyond Lepanto
- Italy : The Green Machine
- Playing Italy, Part I
- Playing Italy, Part II
- So, Why Italy?
- Strategic Diplomacy (Part 4) – Italy
- Strategy for Playing Italy
- With Friends Like Italy, Who Needs Enemies?
- Mid-Game
- Negotiation Strategy
- Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to Austrian Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to English Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to French Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to German Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to Italian Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to Russian Opening Strategy
- An Introduction to Turkish Opening Strategy
- Burgundy, 1901
- England – A Personal View on Opening Strategy
- English Opening Strategy
- German Variations
- Germany – A Personal View on Opening Strategy
- In the Beginning
- Is The Alpine Chicken A Tasty Bird?
- Italy – A Personal View On Opening Strategy
- Naming the Openings
- Opening Strategy
- Russia – A Personal View on Opening Strategy
- Russia’s Northern Offensive
- Sacrifice Openings in Diplomacy
- Safe Openings
- The Bulgarian Gambit
- The German Attack
- The Hedgehog
- The Hedgehog: An Asset or a Liability for Austria?
- The House That Jack Built
- The Iberian Gambit
- The Iberian Indecision
- The Italian Attack Against France
- The Jutland Gambit
- The Koniggratz Freakout
- The Lack of Diplomacy Opening Theory
- The Lapland Lurch
- The Lisbon Leapfrog
- The Livonian Lunacy
- The Octopus
- The Turkish Hedgehog
- Turkey – A Personal View on Opening Strategy
- Wielding Too Much Power: Early Leader Syndrome
- Winter 1901: The Three Build Opening
- Russia
- Stalemate Lines
- Turkey
- Don’t Be a Turkey: Play Turkey!
- How to Play Turkey
- How to Play Turkey
- Playing Turkey
- Playing Turkey Without Being A Turkey
- Strategic Diplomacy (Part 6) – Turkey
- Strategy for Playing Turkey
- The Great Turkey Shoot
- The Opening Moves For Turkey
- Turkey Can Be Injurious To Your Health
- Turkey Should Never Win
- Turkish Strategy
- Alliances
- Under The Wire
Site Map
- A Little Original Sin
- Back To The Dark Ages
- Black Spot
- Carpe Diem
- Chronicle
- Dane’s Games
- Diary Of A Dead Raven
- Diplomacy A – Z
- Diplomacy Games Manager (Version 3.54)
- Diplomacy of Ice and Fire I (fg06)
- Diplomacy of Ice and Fire III (fg09)
- Diplomacy Quarterly
- Froggy
- Humour
- mais n’est-ce pas la gare
- Mopsy
- Rane Gyrine
- Strategy & Tactics
- Under The Wire