by Stephen Agar
1. Xenophobia is based on the idea borrowed from the game Draughts (or Checkers to our US friends) that if you can take a piece you must. In Draughts it is done to force your opponent out of position.
2. The Basic Rule:
Every move, every piece which is capable of mounting a supported attack on an enemy piece, must do so. However, this rule does not apply to multi-national attacks – only to supported attacks mounted by units belonging to the same Power.
3. Player Orders an Attack:
If a player submits attacking orders in line with the basic rule, then the player may decide what moves and what supports. Sometimes a unit may take part in a supported attack on more than one enemy unit – the player may choose which unit takes part, even if as a consequence another unit which would have taken part in a supported attack can no longer do so (i.e. if a player has a choice of two separate attacks of strength 2, or one attack strength 3 and a unit left over – then the player may elect to go for the strength 3 attack and thus the remaining unit no longer has to participate in an attack).
4. Player Fails to Order an Attack
Subject to the exception noted below, if a player fails to order a supported attack when one was possible, the GM will make the supported attack on his behalf. The following algorithm will be used:
Armies in alphabetical order attack first, supported by everything not yet ordered which can support them. Then fleets in alphabetical order attack second, supported by everything not yet ordered which can support them.
The remaining orders submitted by the player concerned will stand.
Exception: If a player uses units which would otherwise have been used for a compulsory attack in order to attack with potential foreign support, or support an attack by a foreign unit, then those orders may stand.
5. Player NMRs
If a player NMRs, supported attacks will still be made using the algorithm in rule 4 above. However, any unit not so attacking (or supporting an attack) will stand unordered.
Game invented on 17 November 2001