by Tom Reinecker, Tom Mulledy & E. Sabatine

The game takes place many years in the future, 20 years after WWIII finally ended in a near apocalyptic type world. The worlds powers of the past are not what they used to be. Many are fractured while other ‘lesser’ Powers were left relatively unscathed during the war and are now much more powerful than ever before. Even the tiny islands of Oceania and elsewhere are of much more import. The war saw many fleets left behind in their strategic island bases. Many expatriates sought to ‘hide out’ in these archipelagos as well as those servicemen who deserted their posts. Large parts of Africa and South America were left relatively untouched by the wars scars and are also more important than they were in those prewar days. The world is finally recovering from the vast destruction of this past war. Economies are starting to grow, military muscles are being re-flexed after laying dormant for so long. Each New World power seeks to exert their newfound might upon the rest of the world, trying to become the worlds next big superpower. Tensions are growing, skirmishes are occurring more often, peace is tenuous at best, the world is on the brink of WW4.1
You will assume the leadership of one of this Worlds 30 new emerging military powers. It is your job, no, it is your DESTINY to take your new nation and lead them into the future. You will make your new nation the most dominant power in the world, uniting the world under your leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the worlds population once more.
American Confederation
Canadian Federation
Central Asia Soviet
Inland Empire
Khmer Coalition
Manchurian Republic
Mayan States
Mogul Raj
New Catholica Empire
Protestant Empire of the Lowlands
Rastafarian Union
Russian Federation
Slavic Confederation
South Africa
Builds may be made on any starting home center OR in any supply center that has been owned for at least two years. (captured in F01, build is possible in F03)
IV.A. The winner is the player who hold 1/2 plus one of the Supply Centers at the end of a fall turn.
IV.B. As well the game can be ended by a UN vote. Three types of End Game resolutions may be proposed; Draw, Single Winner, Coalition Win.
IV.C. Draw
IV.C.1. A Draw must be approved by all members of the UN.
IV.C.2. All surviving Countries will receive 1 Redscape Rank point
IV.D. Single Winner
IV.D.1. A Single Winner must be approved by a simple majority of the UN.
IV.D.2. For a Single Winner End Game to be proposed, one country must have more SCs than anyone else. If there are more than one country with the same SC total a Single Winner cannot be declared.
IV.E. Coalition Win
IV.E.1. A Coalition Win must be approved by a simple majority of the UN.
IV.E.2. A Coalition win may include up to three countries.
IV.E.3. The winning coalition must contain at least one of the top three countries by SC count.
IV.E.4. Members of the winning coalition must have maintained a Formal Alliance of the category Mutual Defense or Full Alliance for the preceding two years to the vote.
IV.F. Additional considerations concerning End Game
IV.F.1. In all cases these End Game resolutions can only be proposed in the Summit for a Spring Season.
IV.F.2. In the case of a Single Winner or Coalition win all those that vote in favor of the winning coalition/Single Winner will receive survivor credit (1pt) and the winner(s) will receive Winner credit (2Pts).
IV.F.3. Non-Votes are considered yes votes without survival credit.
IV.F.4. There are no vetos nor abstentions for End Game resolutions.
IV.F.5. Outlaw nations may not vote on End Game Resolutions and cannot be part of an End Game resolution. They can win via IV.A.
V.A. A player may declare war on another player at any point in the game. War declarations submitted during the Summit period will be publicized at the end of said period. Declarations made with the final movement orders will be made public with the moves and are considered Surprise Attacks (see Surprise Attacks). Once this happens a state of war exists between the two players, and does not end until one surrenders to the other or a peace treaty has been declared.
V.B. A player must be in state of war with another player in order to attack the latter’s armies and fleets, or to move into the latter’s controlled provinces. A player not at war with another player may still support attacks against the latter’s units.
V.C. Declarations of war may affect more than one country (see Alliances)
V.D. A war is ended by either a peace treaty between the nations involved, or by the accepted surrender of one of the nations involved.
VI.A. A Treaty of peace may be negotiated between warring powers during the summit period.
VI.B. A treaty does not have to include all the powers in a war. ex If Powers A & B are at war with C & D, C could negotiate a treaty with A & B that does not include D, or with A alone. This possibility is restricted by any existing alliances (see Alliances).
VI.C. A peace treaty can include the cession of Spheres of Influence (see Spheres of Influence) that could be legally taken by the parties involved. In this way a SOI can be taken without an actual order being used.
VI.D. SOIs ceded by a treaty cannot contain units.
VI.E. Peace Treaties are submitted to the GM by the parties involved, each sending a copy to the GM. If all parties agree the GM will then post the Treaty.
VI.F. Additionally Peace can be imposed by UN Decree (see UN)
VII.A. A Party in a war may offer to surrender to anyone they are at war with during the summit period.
VII.B. The rule VI.B. applies as well to surrenders. This though is not restricted by alliances. If the surrender of a party would go against a Mutual Defense or Full Alliance (see Alliances), said alliance is considered null and void.
VII.C. The surrender of a power means that he relinquishes at least two SOI. If possible these are transferred to the party(s) surrendered to. If not these are left as neutral.
VII.D. The surrender of a SOI that is an SC under the control of the surrendering party does not take that SC away from the surrenderer. But the surrenderer cannot move to said SC, nor can he build units there.
VII.E. If the surrenderer has no SOIs that do not contain units he may not surrender.
VII.F. As in Peace Treaties, Surrender treaties are submitted to the GM by the involved parties.
VIII.A. A Surprise Attack is when a nation declares war as part of the movement phase.
VIII.B. In response to a surprise attack, the UN Security Council can declare a cease-fire. This needs to be proposed by a member of the Security Council and voted on.
VIII.B.1. Passing a cease-fire resolution requires a simple majority of the members of the Security Council eligible to vote.
VIII.B.2. Voting rules apply the same here as in the General Assembly (see Resolutions and Voting)
VIII.C. A Cease-Fire must be proposed and voted on in the season following the surprise attack.
VIII.D. A Cease-Fire forces the cessation of all hostilities (no state of war) between the involved parties for one year (2 seasons). At which point if no peace has been made or enforced the state of war resumes.
VIII.E. Any nation which ignores a UN cease fire order will be considered an Outlaw Nation.
IX.A. A player may declare that a province is a sphere of influence by writing “Sphere of Influence (Province)”, or “SOI (Province)” in the orders. To do so, either one of that player’s armies or fleets must have occupied the relevant province, or one of that player’s armies or fleets must have occupied a province adjacent to the relevant province at the beginning of that turn, be able to move to said province and the latter must be vacant.
IX.B. An army or fleet used to declare a sphere of influence can take no other action that turn. Sphere of Influence declarations can be supported, just like other actions; conflicting sphere of influence declarations are resolved just like conflicting moves.
IX.C. A player may not move or attack an army or fleet into a province that is currently a sphere of influence belonging to another player without first declaring war on that player unless they are in an alliance that allows this (see Alliances).
IX.D. A player may take an SOI from another player without being at war, subject to any alliances. (see IX.G. and Alliances).
IX.E. The occupation of a Province at the end of a Fall turn (Retreats included) will automatically make that Province an SOI. A Player that does not want said province to become an SOI must explicitly declare so. The only exception to this is in the case of Alliances (see Alliances)
IX.F. Home SCs and provinces that start the game as SOIs of a player are always considered to be SOIs of said player. If one of these is lost during the course of the game, simply occupying the province at the end of a Fall turn returns the SOI control.
IX.G. Ending a Sphere of Influence
IX.G.1. A player may un declare an SOI by writing “Undo Sphere of Influence in (Province)” or “Undo SOI in (Province)” in the orders.
IX.G.2. A SOI can be taken away from a player if an army or fleet of another player who is not allied with the owner successfully declares that they are taking the SOI.
IX.G.2.a. This does not require a declaration of war.
IX.G.2.b. This means that a player once having declared and SOI may need to support said SOI in the coming turns.
IX.G.3. An SOI can be lost as part of a surrender treaty, or transferred as part of a Peace treaty.
IX.G.4. Allies may as well transfer SOIs during the summit phase. The party receiving the SOI would have to be able to make such an order for the transfer to take place.
IX.H All SOIs of an eliminated country are ended in the Fall turn that the country is eliminated.
X.A. Alliances can be made between players during the summit phase of the game. These Alliances can be of two different types, Public and Private, and three different Categories, Non-Aggression, Mutual Defense, and Full Alliance.
X.B. Players that are allied cannot attack, nor support attacks nor SOI orders on territories that are controlled by or SOIs of alliance partners. Exceptions to this are covered in the Alliance Category descriptions.
X.C. Alliances can be formed between any number of players but are considered as if each has an alliance with the other. ex. A, B, and C ally. A is Allied with B, and is Allied with C, etc.
X.D. Alliances may be ended during the summit period.
XI.A When players wish to form an alliance they must notify the GM of its category and Type during the Summit phase.
XI.B. Public alliances are then published to the forums
XI.C. Once an action that is only allowed by an alliance occurs (SOI Transfer, etc) if the Alliance was Private it will be made Public at that time.
XII.A. Non-Agression
XII.A.1. The simplest category. Members of this alliance category cannot attack, nor support attacks nor SOI orders on territories that are controlled by or SOIs of alliance partners.
XII.A.2. Members of this category of alliances cannot transfer SOI control.
XII.B. Mutual Defense
XII.B.1. Members of this alliance can move into non-SC, non-Home SOIs of alliance partners. Other than this exception the rule XII.A.1. applies.
XII.B.2. When a Mutual Defense alliance partner has war declared on him, all members of the alliance are at war with the declaring party(ies).
XII.B.3. Members of this category can transfer SOI control
XII.B.4. If a member of a Mutual Defense Alliance surrenders or negotiates a peace, the other members of the treaty are not affected by said surrender/treaty, and the Alliance with the member is considered null and void.
XII.C. Full Alliance
XII.C.1. Members of this alliance have full freedom of movement through the territories of alliance partners.
XII.C.2. A member of a full alliance that occupies an SC of an alliance partner at the end of a Fall turn has the option not to take control/SOI of the SC. For control to pass to the occupying power, the original owner must submit with the fall orders his permission for said change of control.
XII.C.3. The previous rule applies to SOIs as well
XII.C.4. Apart from the above exceptions members of this alliance category cannot attack, nor support attacks nor SOI orders on territories that are controlled by or SOIs of alliance partners.
XII.C.5. When a Full Alliance partner has war declared on him, or declares war on another, all members of the alliance are at war with the declaring/declared party(ies)
XII.C.6. Members of Alliances of this category can transfer SOI control
XII.C.7. Rules XII.B.4. applies as well to Full Alliances.
XIII.A. An example of an Alliance conflict is the following : A has a Mutual Defense Alliance with B and a Full Alliance with C. C declares war on B.
XIII.B. When Alliance conflict arise the power involved in the conflict must declare which alliance he will abide by.
XIII.C. If the player does not advise the GM the more restrictive alliance will apply. In the example A would maintain the alliance with C and end his alliance with B.
XIV..A. The UN is comprised of all countries in the game. Each country has one vote and each vote has the same weight with the exception of the members of the Security Council(see The Security Council).
XIV..B. If a country is eliminated from the game, the country that controls its Capital can cast the vote for the eliminated nation.
XIV.C. Apart from any considerations as to determining victory (see Victory conditions) the UN can as well broker/force peace between waring countries (see Peace Proposals) and force Cease-Fires.
XV.A. The Security Council is formed by eight countries on an election basis, four of which are Lead Members. A country will hold a normal seat in the Security council for one year, followed by a year as a lead member.
XV.B. The GM will determine randomly who is on the Security council for the first two years, with those selected as non-lead Nations being lead nations the third year. All other appointments to the security council will follow the appointment rules.
XV.C. Security Council Appointment
XV.C.1. Each Spring at the begining of the Summit phase the Lead Nations will each be able to nominate one nation to take a seat on the Security Council in the Spring two years in the future (i.e. in Spring 2101 they nominate for Spring 2103)
XV.C.2. These nominations must be made with at least 24 hours remaining in the Summit Season.
XV.C.3. To be eligible for Nomination a Nation cannot be on the Security council the year of the nomination, nor in the following year and cannot currently be in Outlaw Status.
XV.C.4. A Nomination must be seconded, by any other member of the Security Council, both Lead and non-Lead Nations.
XV.C.5. A Lead Nation may veto a nomination, but can only exercise one veto during the summit.
XV.C.6. A nomination may be withdrawn but if a nomination is vetoed another may not be made.
XV.C.7. All nominations, Seconds and Vetos will be done in the forum in a thread designated for this.
XV.C.8. At the end of the summit the GM will check to see what nominations have been seconded and if any have been vetoed. If there are not enough succesful nominations the GM will determine at random Nations to fill the spots. Any nation that would have been eligible for nomination will enter into this pool with the exception of Nations who were nominated and vetoed.
XV.D. When a country has been eliminated, the country that holds its capital, at the beginning of the year that the eliminated Country would be on the Security Council, will have the seat on the Council. This could cause that the controlling country has two seats on the Council and this would be legal.
XV.E.. When a country is considered an Outlaw Nation and it is on or should be on the Security Council, one of the other countries, that does not already have a seat on the Council, and is not an Outlaw Nation, will hold the seat for that year. This does not count as part of the normal rotation for Security Council Seats.
XV.F.. Members of the Security council vote as all others. Lead Members have the right to exercise a Veto. A Veto is not a no vote, it must be declared as a Veto. A Veto by a lead member of the Council automatically fails the proposition being voted upon.
XV.G.. Members of the security council can propose Cease-Fires as result of a surprise attack (see Surprise Attacks)
XVI.A. During the Summit phase any nation may propose that the UN broker a Peace between waring nations. For the UN to attempt a Peace Keeping action at least one of the countries that are at war must be occupying Home provinces of the other. This proposal must be posted to the appropriate Forum and mailed to the GM
XVI.B. Once a proposal of Peace has been made the voting is opened. Votes in favor, against, or Vetoes must be submitted to the GM. The votes will be tallied at the end of the Summit phase.
XVI.C. If a country does not submit a vote it is an abstention, not a no or yes.
XVI.D.. A Peace proposal can include transfers of SOIs. These SOIs cannot be Home SOIs. As well a peace Proposal always includes the return of all Home SOIs to the original owners.
XVI.E. Rules for voting are covered in the following section
XVII.A. When a vote on a resolution occurs members may vote ; yea, nay, abstain, or veto in the case of a Lead Member.
XVII.B. Vetos of the lead members of the council will fail said proposals.
XVII.C. A member that does not vote abstains except in the case of and End Game vote when a no vote received will be considered a yes (see Victory Conditions) .
XVII.D. An Abstention reduces the count of votes for a majority. So if 10 of 30 members abstain only 11 yes votes are required to pass the resolution.
XVII.E. At least 2/3rds of the eligible members must vote. If 2/3rds do not vote the resolution is tabled until the next summit session.
XVII.F. A Tabled resolution will be open for votes each Summit season until it is decided on or withdrawn.
XVII.G. A resolution may be withdrawn at any point by the country that proposed it.
XVIII.A. Once a peace proposal is passed it is binding on the involved nation.
XVIII.B. Any units in Home SOIs of the other country must, in the coming turns, move out of said Home centers. These moves cannot be to other Home SOIs or Provinces under the control of the other nation, unless this is the quickest path out (GM call).
XVIII.C. Any transfers of SOIs involved in the proposal must be ordered.
XVIII.D. Any country that does not comply is considered an Outlaw Nation.
XIX.A. As stated in XVIII.D. any country that does not abide by UN resolutions is considered an Outlaw Nation.
XIX.B. Outlaw Nations cannot vote in the UN, cannot hold a seat on the Security Council, and cannot make proposals.
XIX.C. A country is considered an Outlaw until it complies with the Resolution that it ignored, or another resolution is passed that re-instates the country.
XIX.D. Any other country may attack an Outlaw Nation without a prior declaration of war. All rules relating to War, Peace, and surrender are suspended in relation to Outlaw Nations.
XIX.E Alliances are still in force for Outlaw Nations.
XX.A. An Outlaw Nation can be re-instated in the UN by two methods: Complying with the original Resolution, or a reinstatement resolution.
XX.B. Once a country is re-instated all rules concerning War, Peace, and Surrender apply to the nation. Any country that was attacking the outlaw state must now Declare War if they wish to continue.
XX.C. A Re-Instatement proposal is presented in the same way as a Peace Proposal and follow the same rules for approval.
XXI.A. The poles are icebound and hence impassable.
XXI.B. The world is round so the map “wraps around” from side to side, marked with arrows on each side.
XXI.C. Of special interest are the island power/supply centers. These a area’s are “boxed off” (Land areas are all marked in black, water areas are all marked in blue) and may contain either fleet or army. These areas may be thought of as a large island “space” with one exception, convoys MAY pass through these spaces due to the overwhelming amount of water in the space. Where Fiji meets Samoa, an army MAY NOT move from one to the other without a convoy.
XXI.D. The special areas are:
Multiple Coasts: (Similar to Spain and Bulgaria in Std. Game)
NB …New Brunswick
NIC …Nicaragua
KOR …Korea
CCU …Central Cuba
BUL …Bulgaria
BNK …Bangkok
“Canals”: (similar to Denmark and Constantinople in Std. Game)
DEN …Denmark
HAM …Hamburg
IST …Istanbul
PAN …Panama
EGY …Egypt
Land Bridges (similar to Denmark in Std. Game)
ANC-KAM …Anchorage to Kamchatka
NWF-LBR …Newfoundland to Labrador
GNO-HIS …Guantanamo to Hispaniola
HIS-PR …Hispaniola to Puerto Rico
DEN-SWE …Denmark to Sweden
NAP-SIC …Naples to Sicily
KUA-SIN …Kuala Lumpur to Singapore
SUM-JAK …Sumatra to Jakarta
JAK-Tim …Jakarta to Timor
NZS-AUK …New Zealand South Island to Auckland
Impassable areas: (all unmarked!)
North American Great Lakes
African Rift Valley Lakes
Caspian Sea
Arctic Ice Cap