by “IDontPlayThisGame”

This lists the starting positions and special abilities of factions (for example, Tyrell’s trade network grants them large amounts of money, while the Stark winter grants their friendly units benefits to holding in certain friendly territory).
House Stark (Grey)
Winterfell (Capital), Army.
Moat Cailin, Army.
Ability: The Cold North. When you have an army holding (not supporting) in a friendly supply center without support, you have strength 2.
House Arryn (Blue)
The Eyrie (Capital), Army.
Gulltown, Fleet.
Ability: Knights of the Sun and Moon. Whenever one of your units is forced to retreat, it can retreat to a territory that there was a bounce, and when it retreats to a territory that an enemy unit also retreats to, the Arryn unit lives but the enemy unit is disbanded.
House Tully (Pink)
Riverrun (Capital), Army.
Darry, Army.
Ability: River Soldiers. Your armies may move on the game’s River Spaces (the Trident, the Last River, the Mander, the Torentine, and God’s Eye) as if they were coastal regions.
House Greyjoy (Dark Grey)
Pyke (Capital), Fleet.
Ten Towers, Fleet.
Ability: Ironborn Raiders. Your fleets may, when holding, turn into armies if they are in a coastal region. Your armies may, when holding, turn into fleets if they are in a coastal region.
House Lannister (Red)
Lannisport (Capital), Fleet.
Casterly Rock, Army.
Harrenhal, Army.
King’s Landing, Army.
Ability: King Joffrey, First of his Name. You start with 2 additional Supply Centers and 3 extra family members but have a debt of 18 gold you must pay instead of using it productively.
House Baratheon of Dragonstone (Gold)
Dragonstone (Capital), Fleet.
Driftmark, Fleet.
Ability: Mercenary Fleet. You can spend 5 Gold to build a new fleet in the Bay of Crabs, the Narrow Sea, or Shipbreaker Bay. This Fleet doesn’t cost Supply Centers to support.
House Baratheon of Storm’s End (Yellow)
Storm’s End (Capital), Army.
Bronzegate, Fleet.
Ability: Rallying Forces. The amount of gold you need to give to a Minor House you need to control a Minor Houses unit is reduced by 1.
House Tyrell (Green)
Highgarden (Capital), Army.
Brightwater Keep, Fleet.
Ability: Trade with Essos. Highgarden and Oldtown provide 2 Gold (instead of the usual 1 Gold) so long as House Tyrell controls them.
House Martell (Orange)
Sunspear (Capital), Army.
Lemonwood, Army.
Ability: Sun and Spear. If you ever control no units, at the end of each Winter Phase summon an army in Sunspear. If that’s occupied, summon one in Lemonwood instead. If that’s occupied, summon one in Starfall or Yronwood (picks whichever isn’t occupied. If both are occupied, chooses randomly). If those are both occupied, summon it in a region that is unoccupied and you controlled it at the beginning of the game. Do not follow the traditional rules of succession: eldest comes first, even if it is a daughter. Your family has 4 additional members in it to compensate for the fact that your ability only applies after you die.
1.1: Building. You can only build in the space labeled your (Capital). There is a small Square in it. Without it, you cannot build at all, so protect it at all costs!
1.2: Locked off Spaces. There are a few thick black regions. You cannot pass through these regions – they represent unpassable terrain.
1.3: Archipelagos. Archipelagos, such as “The Three Sisters” and “The Shield Islands” can be traversed by both fleets and armies as an Ocean and a Land space at the same time.
1.4: Mundane Fleet Transports. Straight black lines connecting two regions (such as Skagos and Eastwatch by the Sea, or Driftmark and Kingswood) allow ARMIES to move across regions at Strength 0, so an army moving from Driftmark to Kingswood against an army moving from Bronzegate to Kingswood- the move from Bronzegate succeeds.
1.5: Draw Prevention. Unless absolutely necessary, the GM shouldn’t allow draws to encourage solos. If there are two care bears sitting, dominating the land of Westeros, then, well, I suppose that’s very sad.
1.6: You need 20 Supply Centers to solo victory. This can be achieved through your Minor House allies.
1.7: Turns.
December, 298 AC: Spring 1901
January, 299 AC: Fall 1901
February, 299 AC: Winter 1901
March, 299 AC: Spring 1902
April, 299 AC: Fall 1902
May, 299 AC: Winter 1902.
And so on…
September, 301 AC: Spring, 1912.
October, 301 AC: Fall, 1913.
November, 301 AC: Spring, 1914 (There is no build phase here, please note!)
December, 301 AC: Winter Has Come. The game immediately ends in a draw for all survivors. If House Martell does not control Sunspear, Lemonwood, Starfall, and Yronwood, and its ability Sun and Spear has triggered this game, they don’t apply for this draw.
This is an optional forced draw.
2) Gold and Minor Houses
As the players play one of the Nine Great Houses vying for the Iron Throne and control of the Seven Kingdoms (Riverlands are a border region or something, and the Crownlands are the capital so they don’t count?), there are other Minor Houses that they can have support them or they can consume them in their wake. Naturally, the latter is harder.
2.1: During each Winter Phase, players get as much Gold as Supply Centers they control + 1. Minor Houses they control do NOT provide Gold.
2.2: Players start with 7 Gold. Gold amounts are always kept anonymous.
2.3: Each neutral Center at game Start is considered a Minor House. They start with a unit depending on the Center- I present a list at the end of this document.
2.4: During each Movement Phase, players may supply the Minor Houses WITHIN 2 REGIONS OF THEIR TERRITORY with Gold. Each Minor House can take an individual amount of Gold that they can take depending on how many Minor Houses they have annexed to follow your orders.
5 Gold- 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 Supply Centers controlled (Lannister has 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6)
7 Gold- 5 or 6 Supply Centers controlled (Lannister has 7-8)
10 Gold- 7 Supply Centers controlled (Lannister has 9).
500 Gold- 8 or more Supply Centers controlled (Lannister has 10).
2.4.1: These supply centers do not count for having Minor House Allies.
2.4.2: A Great House having 20 or more Supply Centers will solo. This includes supply centers they have from Minor House allies.
EDIT: I changed the 18 to 20 to keep inline with my other information. I added a few supply centers in a few last minute adjustments to the map, which is the cause of this error.
2.4.3: Your Minor House Allies are indicated that they are in your thrall while they are.
2.5: Whenever a Great House has more gold than the limit in one Minor House AND has the most gold of any Great House in that Minor House, they may control all of that Minor Houses Units (usually one, but can be more).
2.6: At the end of each Winter Phase, you lose 1 Gold from all of your Minor Houses pools (regardless of whether they are above or below the limit).
2.7: Minor Houses cannot retreat.
2.8: Minor Houses can take other supply centers for their Minor House. They will build another copy of the original unit (they will rebuild it if it is not present) in their ORIGINAL center.
2.9: If a Minor House is forced to disband, it does so like CIVIL DISORDER. A power may not give a Minor House gold while they control its Capital and they lose any they already have. Remember, you may order these units on the same turn you take them.
2.10: Remember- you may only provide gold to a Minor House within 2 Spaces of your Territory. Sea Spaces are fine- they work just as well as land spaces.For example, House Greyjoy can reach Flint’s Finger (Blacktyde – The Black Tide – Flint’s Finger) and so can Stark (Flint Cliffs – Flint’s Finger). But House Arryn, at game start, cannot reach Seagard. (The High Road- the Twins- The Trident – Seagard) is 3 spaces (not including the High Road, because it is in your territory).
We are skipping RULES INSTALLMENT (3), because those are Optional Rules.
4) Great House Members
4.1: Each Great House starts with some people that you can marry off to others.
4.2: Unlike Royale, there is no Clergy. It is assumed that every Great House possesses a Sept (or temple to R’hllor or Weirwood), and so can marry freely.
4.3: This game takes place over a series of months, not 5 years (as a reminder).
4.3.1: As such, some of the more ‘behind the scenes’ business of Royale, such as propagating a family forward, will not occur.
4.3.2: In the end, only a few phases are kept from Royale. These phases are merged into the other phases. Marriage Proposal. Marriage is proposed during any ‘Winter’ month, aka a February, May, August, or November. Marriage proposals are public knowledge. Marriage Acceptance. Marriage is accepted during any ‘Spring’ or ‘Fall’ month, aka a January, March, April, June, July, September, October, or December. Marriage acceptances are also public knowledge. Leader Deploying. Any unoccupied male you have may be deployed to command an army, or alternatively you may transfer castles, or give them a rest. Any unoccupied female you have may transfer castles, give them a rest, or they may make some gold. Some females may be deployed to command an army also.
4.4: Great House Members. Example given below.
Male Lannister.
2 Leadership.
Female Stark.
-1 Guile.
4.4.1: Every male House member (Minor and Great) has a Leadership score.
4.4.2: The Leadership Score is added to their army strength.
4.4.3: Every female House (Minor and Great) member has a Guile score. Some females may also have a leadership score. This is because they know how to fight and can lead forces into battle.
4.4.4: The female’s guile score is used when males move in a castle. At the end of each round a male and a female are in the same castle, there is a 10% chance (add 5% for each guile score of the female and the leadership of the man) that the two fall in love. They immediately marry on the spot and no treatises are signed. Poor old Robb Stark and Jeyne Westerling. So sad… Otherwise, nothing happens.
4.5: Some leader also have special unique rules.
4.6: Every leader has a title. There are some titles that are important, but some that are not.
You can be one or more of the following titles:
King. A male ruler. Allows building in King’s Landing. Kings may annul writs. Does not cost gold to stay in the same position. +1 Gold each turn.
True Queen. A female ruler. Identical to a King, but female.
Queen. The Queen is whoever is married to the King. You get +2 gold each turn.
Prince. The Heir to a King. You have +1 Leadership.
Princess. The Heir to a Queen. You have +1 Guile.
Lord. The Lord is the ruler of a Great House. They allow you to build in your Capital. Units holding in your Capital or your other starting city (in Lannister’s case, Casterly Rock) get +.5 strength (+1 strength if it is the Lord’s army). They also grant you +1 gold.
True Lady. The True Lady is the ruler of a Great House. Identical to a Lord, but female.
Lordling. A Lordling is a ruler of one region you control. Units that has the Lordling commanding it holding in the Lordling’s domain can get + .5 strength. In addition, they manage to support +1 gold while you control that region.
Heir. A Heir is the next in line to a title, following the traditional laws of succession- unless otherwise stated (such as you are Dorne).
Ser. Male without any other title.
Lady. Female without any other title.
4.7: Leaders may be assassinated. Enemy players may either use a leader they control that is in the same castle, or may spend some gold to hire an assassin.
4.7.1: Assassins have a 40% chance to succeed. They cost a default of 3 gold, plus 1 region for each territory they have to pass to reach the castle or army the enemy leader is residing in. If they are in an army, the assassin only has a 20% chance to succeed. They get -5% for each Guile or Leadership the enemy leader has. On a success with an assassin the leader is killed. On a failure, nothing happens.
4.7.2: Your leaders have a 50% chance to succeed. They get +5% for each Guile or Leadership but -5% for each of the enemy leader’s guile or leadership. On a success with the leader, the enemy leader is killed. On a failure, there is a 10% chance the leader is killed and their name is revealed. There is a 50% chance your leader’s name is just revealed. Otherwise, there is a 40% chance that nothing happens. If the enemy leader is in an army, you have a 30% chance to succeed.
4.7.3: Instead of killing an enemy leader, you can capture them. This costs 1 less gold. At the end of each turn, you may spend 2 Gold to Execute them (killing them), or keep them captive. If your leader would be executed, another separated leader in your region may declare for you in trial by combat. The executor then selects their leader and the two compare leadership. Add a random number from 1-6 to each of their leaderships. The leader with less leadership loses and is killed. If the executor wins, the leader who was going to be executed in the first place is killed. If the executee’s leader wins, they go free and can leave. If one side cannot pick a leader, they may use a free leader of -1 Leadership just for this. If your capital is taken, whoever takes it may either return the leader or maintain custody.
4.8: On Leading Armies.
4.8.1: Once a leader with a Leadership Score is assigned to an army or fleet that must be in their current space, they command it.
4.8.2: They move with it and reside in the castle where it is.
4.8.3: They add their Leadership score to it’s combat strength.
4.9: On Resting.
4.9.1: Your leader doesn’t do anything. They stay where they are. You lose 1 gold.
4.10: On Transferring Castles.
4.10.1: Your leader moves to another space from where they begin. You lose 1 gold for each space moved, -1 if that space is still within your territory, +1 if there was any Sea Travel involved.
4.11: On Marrying.
4.11.1: You propose a marriage in a PM to the GM. You also define the treaty here. The GM posts it in the next orders phase and the person has to respond before the end of the year. The treaty is not public, but it is PM’d to the person who must accept or decline the marriage.
4.11.2: On a yes response, the two become married and the treaty enters effect. These treaties are identical to Royale treaties.
4.11.3: On a no response, you have to wait until next year.
4.11.4: Alternatively, the person can ‘amend’ the treaty and send it back, asking for acceptance. This MUST occur during a Spring Phase, so the acceptance can occur during the Fall Phase.
4.12: Other Facts.
4.12.1: A male, unmarried leader in King’s Landing may join the King’s Guard. Each King’s Guard member reduces the chance of an assassin killing the King by 5%. If the King would actually be assassinated, a King’s Guard is killed instead.
4.12.2: If the King is ever assassinated, a new King must rise to power in that region. If a faction no longer has any possible Kings but started with Kings, they lose support and get -2 Gold each turn.
4.12.3: If a Lordlings region is ever taken, that Lordling gets -2 Leadership (to a minimum of -3 Leadership) until it is reclaimed.
4.12.4: If a leader is forced to retreat in his army, there is an 80% chance they are taken captive, a 20% chance they are killed. This is only told to anyone who forced that army to retreat (the person who moved there and any others who supported them there).
4.12.5: If your capital is occupied and you capture someone, you must specify what SC to place them in. This SC is dubbed your ‘Temporary Capital’ until you retake your Capital- then prisoners are transferred there.
4.12.6: If you have a Temporary Capital, your prisoners are moved there automatically.
House Stark. (5)
Lord King Heir Robb Stark (of Edmure Tully’s Lordship)
2 Leadership. Male.
Parents: Eddard Stark + Catelyn Tully
Siblings: Bran Stark, Sansa Stark.
Spouse: None
Lordling Jon Umber (of Last Hearth).
1 Leadership. Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
Prince Heir Bran Stark (of all Robbs titles).
-1 Leadership. Male.
Parents: Eddard Stark (deceased) + Catelyn Tully
Siblings: Robb Stark, Sansa Stark.
Spouse: None
Lady Sansa Stark.
1 Guile. Female.
Parents: Eddard Stark (deceased) + Catelyn Tully
Siblings: Robb Stark, Bran Stark.
Spouse: None
Catelyn Tully.
-1 Guile. Cannot be married. If in the Riverlands, generate 1 Gold. Female.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Lysa Tully, Edmure Tully.
Spouse: Eddard Stark (deceased).
House Arryn (5).
Lord Robert Arryn.
-2 Leadership, Male.
Parents: Lysa Tully + Jon Arryn (deceased).
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
Lordling Nestor Royce (of the Bloody Gate).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
Lysa Tully.
-2 Guile. If in the Riverlands, generate 1 Gold. Female.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Catelyn Tully, Edmure Tully.
Spouse: Jon Arryn (deceased)
Heir Harrold Hardyng (to Robert Arryn’s Lordship).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
Lordling Petyr Baelish (of Coldwater).
0 Leadership, Male. At the end of each turn, get +1 Gold.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
House Tully (5).
Lord Edmure Tully.
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Lysa Arryn, Catelyn Stark.
Spouse: None
Lordling Tytos Blackwood (of Raventree Hall).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: Lady Frey 1.
Heir Brynden Blackwood (of Raventree Hall).
0 Leadership, Male. If Tytos Blackwood is dead, get +1 Leadership.
Parents: Tytos Blackwood + Lady Frey 1.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
Lordling William Mooton (of Maidenpool).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
Lordling Bellena Hawick (of Saltpans)
1 Guile, Female.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None
House Greyjoy.
Lord King Balon Greyjoy:
1 Leadership. Male.
Parent: N/A.
Siblings: Victarion Greyjoy, Aeron Greyjoy.
Spouse: N/A.
Lordling Victarion Greyjoy (of Ten Towers).
2 Leadership so long as this unit is assigned to a fleet. Otherwise, 0 Leadership. Male.
Parent: N/A.
Siblings: Balon Greyjoy, Aeron Greyjoy.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Theon Greyjoy (of Orkmont).
2 Leadership if this unit is attacking a Capital location. Otherwise, -1 Leadership. Male.
Parent: Balon Greyjoy + Deceased.
Siblings: Asha Greyjoy.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Aeron Greyjoy (of Blacktyde).
-1 Leadership. Doesn’t cost money to rest.
Parent: N/A.
Siblings: Balon Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy.
Spouse: N/A.
Princess Heir Asha Greyjoy (of Balon’s Lordship).
1 Leadership, 0 Guile. Female.
Parent: Balon Greyjoy + Deceased.
Siblings: Theon Greyjoy.
Spouse: None.
House Lannister (8).
Lord Tywin Lannister.
2 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Kevan Lannister.
Spouse: Joanna Lannister (deceased).
Lordling Kevan Lannister (of Casterly Rock).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Lord Tywin Lannister.
Spouse: N/A.
Kingsguard Jaime Lannister.
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: Tywin Lannister + Joanna Lannister (deceased).
Siblings: Cersei Lannister.
Spouse: N/A (Kingsguard member).
Queen Heir Cersei Lannister (to Tywin’s Lordship).
1 Guile, Female.
Parents: Tywin Lannister + Joanna Lannister (deceased).
Siblings: Jaime Lannister.
Spouse: None. (Deceased Robert Baratheon)
King Joffrey Baratheon.
-1 Leadership, Male. -1 Gold at the start of your turn.
Parents: King Robert Baratheon (deceased)/Jaime Lannister + Cersei Lannister.
Siblings: Prince Tommen Baratheon, Lady Myrcella Baratheon.
Spouse: None.
Prince Tommen Baratheon.
-1 Leadership, Male. If King, get +1 Leadership.
Parents: King Robert Baratheon (deceased)/Jaime Lannister + Cersei Lannister.
Siblings: King Joffrey Baratheon, Lady Myrcella Baratheon.
Spouse: None.
Lady Myrcella Baratheon.
1 Guile, Female.
Parents: King Robert Baratheon (deceased)/Jaime Lannister + Cersei Lannister.
Siblings: King Joffrey Baratheon, Prince Tommen Baratheon.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Gregor Clegane (of Clegane Hall).
-1 Leadership, Male. Get +4 leadership when attacking. Foes that are routed by Gregor Clegane cannot retreat.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: N/A.
House Baratheon of Dragonstone (5).
Lord King Stannis Baratheon.
2 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Robert Baratheon (deceased), Renly Baratheon.
Spouse: Selyse Florent.
Queen Selyse Florent.
-1 Guile, Female.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: None.
Spouse: Stannis Baratheon.
Princess Shireen Baratheon.
-2 Guile, Female.
Parents: Stannis Baratheon + Selyse Florent.
Siblings: None.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Davos Seaworth (of Driftmark).
1 Leadership, Male. Get +2 Leadership if leading a fleet. 90% chance to avoid assassination.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: N/A.
Lady Melisandre of Asshai.
2 Guile, Female. Your Assassins cost 2 less gold and have a 20% additional chance of succeeding.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
House Baratheon of Storm’s End (5).
Lord King Renly Baratheon.
2 Leadership, Male. All adjacent armies to this one have 1 Leadership if they would have any less leadership in that region.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Robert Baratheon (deceased), Stannis Baratheon.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Bryce Caron (of Bronzegate).
0 Leadership. While Renly is alive, +1 Leadership.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Guyard Morrigen (of the Rainwood).
0 Leadership. While Renly is alive, +1 Leadership.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Emmon Cuy (of Griffin’s Roost).
0 Leadership. While Renly is alive, +1 Leadership.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
Lady Brienne of Tarth.
-1 Guile, 1 Leadership. While Renly is alive, +1 Leadership.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: None.
House Tyrell (5).
Lord Mace Tyrell.
1 Leadership. Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: Lady Hightower.
Lordling Heir Garlan Tyrell (Lordling of Brightwater Keep. Heir to Mace Tyrell’s Lordship.).
1 Leadership. Male.
Parents: Mace Tyrell + Lady Hightower.
Siblings: Loras Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell.
Spouse: None.
Ser Loras Tyrell.
3 Leadership, Male.
Parents: Mace Tyrell + Lady Hightower.
Siblings: Garlan Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell.
Spouse: None.
Lady Margaery Tyrell.
2 Guile, Female. +1 Guile on Kings.
Parents: Mace Tyrell + Lady Hightower.
Siblings: Garlan Tyrell, Loras Tyrell.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Randyll Tarly (of Horn Hill).
2 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: N/A.
House Martell.
Lord Doran Martell.
-1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Oberyn Martell.
Spouse: Lady Mellario.
Heir Arianne Martell (of Doran’s Lordship).
2 Guile, Female.
Parents: Doran Martell + Lady Mellario.
Siblings: Quentyn Martell, Trystane Martell.
Spouse: None.
Lordling Quentyn Martell (of the Tor).
1 Leadership, Male.
Parents: Doran Martell + Lady Mellario.
Siblings: Arianne Martell, Trystane Martell.
Spouse: None.
Heir Trystane Martell (to Quentyn Martell’s Lordlingship).
0 Leadership, Male.
Parents: Doran Martell + Lady Mellario.
Siblings: Arianne Martell, Quentyn Martell.
Spouse: None.
Ser Oberyn Martell.
2 Leadership. Male. +20% chance for assassination when using Oberyn.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: Doran Martell.
Spouse: Ellaria Sand.
Lady Ellaria Sand.
1 Guile. Female. +10% chance for an assassination when using Ellaria.
Parents: N/A.
Siblings: N/A.
Spouse: Oberyn Martell.
Lady Obara Sand.
0 Guile, 2 Leadership. Female. +5% chance for an assassination when using Obara.
Parents: Oberyn Martell + Ellaria Sand.
Siblings: Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand.
Spouse: None.
Nymeria Sand.
1 Guile, 1 Leadership. Female. +10% chance for an assassination when using Nymeria.
Parents: Oberyn Martell + Ellaria Sand.
Siblings: Obara Sand, Tyene Sand.
Spouse: None.
Tyene Sand.
2 Guile, 0 Leadership. Female. +15% chance for an assassination when using Tyene.
Parents: Oberyn Martell + Ellaria Sand.
Siblings: Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand.
Spouse: None.
Minor Houses and Greater Houses may marry. It is assumed that every Minor House has a Male Leader with 0 Leadership, and a Female Leader with 0 Guile for the purposes of marriage. Having a marriage provides 10 gold to the Minor House- which usually grants you an ally and support for up to 5 turns.
House Mormont. Fleet, Bear Island.
House Glover. Army, Deepwood Motte.
House Bolton. Army, Dreadfort.
House Manderly. Fleet, White Harbour.
House Sunderland. Fleet, the Three Sisters.
House Flint. Fleet, Flint’s Finger.
House Frey. Army, the Twins.
House Frey has an indefinite number of marriage solutions.
House Mallister. Fleet, Seagard.
House Rykker. Army, Duskendale.
House Marbrand. Army, Ashemark.
House Lefford. Army, Golden Tooth.
House Caswell, Army. Bitterbridge.
House Tarth. Fleet, Tarth.
House Serry. Fleet, Shield Islands.
House Wylde. Army, Rain House.
House Dondarrion. Army, Blackhaven.
House Hightower. Fleet, Oldtown.
House Yronwood. Army, Yronwood.
House Dayne. Fleet, Starfall.
House Redwyne. Fleet, The Arbor.
House Mellario. None, Cyk.