by Macario Reyes
All of the Standard game rules apply, except one: units may be built on any supply center owned by a power at the beginning of the year, as in the Chaos variant.
Starting Positions
Power | Letter | Starting Positions | ||||
Argentina | A | F Buenos Aires | A Cordoba | A Santa Fe | ||
Brazil | B | F Rio de Janeiro | A Sao Paulo | A Minas Gerais | F Bahia | |
Colombia | C | A Bogota | A Cartagena | F Cali (NC) | ||
Mexico | E | A Mexico | F Veracruz | A Guadalajara | ||
Great_Britain | G | A Montreal | F Trinidad | F Jamaica | F Halifax | F Malvinas |
Chile | H | A Santiago | F Temuco | F Valparaiso | ||
Peru | P | F Lima | A Arequipa | A Cuzco | ||
Spain | S | F Havana | F Puerto Rico | F Santiago de Cuba | ||
United_States | U | A Washington | F New York | A New Orleans | A Atlanta | |
Venezuela | V | F Caracas | A Maracaibo | A Bolivar |
Notes on the WITA map
1. Canals and waterways in Americas (they all act like Kiel in Standard):
- New York City/New York State- the Erie Canal, allows passage from New York Bay to Eastern Great Lakes
- Panama – the Panama Canal, although it was not open until 1912 it is used in the game to cross between the Atlantic and Pacific areas.
- Magallanes – Magallanes Strait, allows an extra passage between oceans at the bottom tip of South America.
- Montreal – St-Lawrence waterway, allows passage from Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Eastern Great Lakes
- Trinidad – These groups of islands are treated as a sea/land territories and movement of fleets is allowed from one side to the other, while armies can move through land from West Indies to Trinidad and from Trinidad to Delta.
2. Continuous coasts. Movement by fleets is allowed along the coasts of Toronto, Michigan and Delta as if they were canals, like Denmark in the standard variant.
3. Navigable Rivers. There are two:
- The Mississippi-Missouri. Which allows the passage of fleets from the Gulf of Mexico to the Western Great Lakes, passing through the provinces of New Orleans, Mississippi, Kentucky, Missouri, Chicago and Minnesota. Using this waterway, a fleet can move from the Great Lakes to the Ocean or viceversa in 4 turns ordering WGL-Min (or WGL-Chi), Min-Mso (or Chi-Mso), Mso-NOr and NOr-GOM.
- The Amazonas. Which allows the passage of fleets through he provinces of Para, Amazonia and Loreto.
4. Provinces that have two coasts: Cali, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Chiapas, Ontario and Washington.
5. Misiones province in Argentina has access to the Rio de la Plata, therefore Buenos Aires and Uruguay are not adjacent by land.
6. Supply Centers. There are 61 supply centers, therefore victory is obtained by gaining control of 31 centers. Some of these are within the countries, but are considered unsettled or unstable areas that are yet to be conquered.
Province List and Abreviations
Province | Abr. | Type | |
Acapulco | Aca | Land | |
Aconcagua | Aco | Land | |
Acre | Acr | Land | |
Alaska | Ala | Land | SC |
Amazonia | Ama | Channel | SC |
Andes | And | Land | |
Anegada Channel | ACH | Sea | |
Antofagasta | Ant | Land | SC |
Appalachian Bay | APP | Sea | |
Araucan Gulf | AGU | Sea | |
Araucania | Ara | Land | |
Arequipa | Are | Land | SC |
Artic Ocean | AO | Edge Sea | |
Asuncion | Asu | Land | SC |
Atacama | Ata | Land | |
Atlanta | Atl | Land | SC |
Bahama Islands | BIs | Land | SC |
Bahia | Bah | Land | SC |
Bahia Blanca | BBL | Sea | |
Bahia Grande | BGR | Sea | |
Baja California | Baj | Land | |
Barquisimeto | Bar | Land | SC |
Beni | Ben | Land | |
Bering Sea | BER | Edge Sea | |
Bermuda Triangle | BTR | Sea | |
Bogota | Bog | Land | SC |
Bolivar | Bol | Land | |
British Guyana | BGu | Land | SC |
Buenos Aires | BAs | Land | SC |
Cajamarca | Caj | Land | |
Cali | Cli | Land | SC |
California | Cal | Land | SC |
Camaguey | Cam | Land | |
Caqueta | Caq | Land | |
Caracas | Car | Land | SC |
Cartagena | Crt | Land | SC |
Cayenne | Cay | Land | |
Central Pacific Ocean | CPO | Edge Sea | |
Chaco Austral | CAu | Land | |
Chaco Boreal | CBo | Land | |
Chesapeake Bay | CHE | Sea | |
Chiapas | Chp | Land | |
Chicago | Chi | Channel | SC |
Chihuahua | Chh | Land | |
Chiriqui Gulf | CHG | Sea | |
Coast of Brazil | COB | Sea | |
Coast of Mexico | COM | Sea | |
Coast of Peru | COP | Sea | |
Corcovado Gulf | CGU | Sea | |
Cordoba | Cor | Land | SC |
Costa Rica | CRi | Land | |
Cuzco | Cuz | Land | SC |
Dakotas | Dak | Land | |
Delta | Del | Channel | |
Drake Pass | DRA | Edge Sea | |
Dutch Guayana | DGu | Land | SC |
East Caribbean Sea | ECS | Sea | |
East Coast | ECO | Sea | |
Easter Island | Eas | Land | SC |
Eastern Great Lakes | EGL | Sea | |
Ecuador | Ecu | Land | SC |
El Salvador | ESa | Land | |
Florida | Flo | Land | |
Florida Strait | FST | Sea | |
Galapagos Islands | Gal | Land | SC |
Greenland | Gre | Land | SC |
Guadalajara | Gdl | Land | SC |
Guajira | Gjr | Land | |
Guanabara Bay | GBA | Sea | |
Guatemala | Gua | Land | SC |
Guayanas Sea | GSE | Sea | |
Gulf of Alaska | GOA | Sea | |
Gulf of Campeche | GOC | Sea | |
Gulf of Fonseca | GOF | Sea | |
Gulf of Guayaquil | GOG | Sea | |
Gulf of Honduras | GOH | Sea | |
Gulf of Mexico | GOM | Sea | |
Gulf of Panama | GOP | Sea | |
Gulf of San Lorenzo | GOS | Sea | |
Gulf of Santa Catarina | GSC | Sea | |
Gulf of Tehuantepec | GOT | Sea | |
Gulf of Uraba | GOU | Sea | |
Gulf of Venezuela | GOV | Sea | |
Haiti | Hai | Land | SC |
Halifax | Hal | Land | SC |
Havana | Hav | Land | SC |
Hawaii | Haw | Land | SC |
Honduras | Hon | Land | |
Hudson Bay | HUD | Sea | |
Humboldt Sea | HUM | Sea | |
Jamaica | Jam | Land | SC |
Kansas | Kan | Land | |
Kentucky | Ken | Channel | |
La Paz | LPa | Land | SC |
Labrador Sea | LAB | Sea | |
Lima | Lim | Land | SC |
Loreto | Lor | Channel | |
Magallanes | Mag | Channel | |
Malvinas | Mal | Land | SC |
Maracaibo | Mar | Land | SC |
Marajo Bay | MBA | Sea | |
Massachusets Gulf | MAS | Sea | |
Mato Grosso | MGr | Land | |
Mexico | Mex | Land | SC |
Michigan | Mic | Channel | |
Mid Atlantic Ocean | MAO | Edge Sea | |
Mid Pacific Ocean | MPO | Sea | |
Minas Gerais | MGe | Land | SC |
Minnesota | Min | Channel | |
Misiones | Mis | Land | |
Mississippi | Msp | Channel | |
Missouri | Mso | Channel | |
Montreal | Mon | Channel | SC |
Mosquito Bay | MOS | Sea | |
New Caledonia | NCa | Land | |
New England | NEn | Land | |
New Mexico | NMe | Land | |
New Orleans | NOr | Channel | SC |
New York Bay | NYB | Sea | |
New York City | NYC | Channel | SC |
New York State | NYS | Channel | |
Newfoundland | New | Land | |
Nicaragua | Nic | Land | SC |
North Atlantic Ocean | NAO | Edge Sea | |
North Caribbean Sea | NCS | Sea | |
North Pacific Ocean | NPO | Edge Sea | |
Northwest Territories | NWT | Channel | |
Nuevo Leon | NLe | Land | |
Oaxaca | Oax | Land | |
Ohio | Ohi | Land | |
Ontario | Ont | Land | |
Oregon | Ore | Land | SC |
Orinoquia | Ori | Land | |
Pampas | Pam | Land | |
Panama | Pan | Channel | SC |
Para | Par | Channel | |
Paranagua Bay | PBA | Sea | |
Patagonia | Pat | Land | SC |
Porto Alegre | PAl | Land | |
Potosi | Pot | Land | |
Puerto Rico | PRi | Land | SC |
Quebec | Que | Land | |
Rio de Janeiro | RdJ | Land | SC |
Rio de la Plata | RLP | Sea | |
Rocky Mountains | RMo | Land | |
Rupert’s Land | Rup | Land | |
Santa Cruz | SCr | Land | SC |
Santa Fe | SFe | Land | SC |
Santaren Channel | SCH | Sea | |
Santiago | San | Land | SC |
Santiago de Cuba | SdC | Land | SC |
Santo Domingo | SDo | Land | SC |
Sao Paulo | SPa | Land | SC |
Sargasso Sea | SAR | Sea | |
Sea of Cortes | SOC | Sea | |
Sierra Nevada | SNe | Land | |
Sonora | Son | Land | |
South Atlantic Ocean | SAO | Edge Sea | |
South Pacific Ocean | SPO | Edge Sea | |
Strait of Yucatan | SOY | Sea | |
Tarapaca | Tar | Land | |
Temuco | Tem | Land | SC |
Texas | Tex | Land | SC |
Tierra de Fuego | TdF | Land | |
Toronto | Tor | Channel | SC |
Trinidad | Tri | Channel | SC |
Tucuman | Tuc | Land | |
Uruguay | Uru | Land | SC |
Valparaiso | Val | Land | SC |
Veracruz | Ver | Land | SC |
Virginia | Vir | Land | |
Washington | Was | Land | SC |
West Caribbean Sea | WCS | Sea | |
West Indies | WIn | Channel | |
Western Great Lakes | WGL | Sea | |
Yucatan | Yuc | Land | SC |