by Steve Doubleday
0. The rules of Diplomacy will apply, except where stated otherwise.
1. Every reader of Spring Offensive (for example) is assigned a country, as follows:
AUSTRIA: Steve Ade, Edward Ainsworth, Brian K. Alden, Steve Allen, Simon Appleyard, Jason Asker, Louise Auty, Richard Bairstow, Gihan Bandaranaike, Paul Barker, Drew Barlow, Andy Bassett, Andy Bell, Peter Berlin, Bryan Betts, Steve Bibby, Pete Birks, Sandra Bond, John Boocock
ENGLAND: Iain Bowen, John Breakwell, Geoff Brown, Colin Bruce, Jef Bryant, Dr. Walter Buchanan, Jim Burgess, Roy Burnett, Mike Byrne, Fiona Campbell, Geoff Challinger, Nic Chilton, Dave Clark, Andrew Clawson, Paul Clayson, Paul Cockayne, Ian Coleman, John Colledge, Danny & Kath Collman, Anthony Coogan, Roland Cooke, David Coope
FRANCE: Malcolm Cornelius, Alan Coulthard Mk.I, Alan Coulthard Mk.II, Jimmy Cowie, Steve Cox, Andy Cox, Stewart Cross, Stuart Dagger, Fred Davis Jr., Tim Deacon, Tony Dickinson, Chris Dickson, John Dodds, Allan Doodes, Ryk Downes, Martin Draper, Neil Duncan, Peter Dunnett, Pete Duxon.
GERMANY: Richard Egan, David Evans, Stuart Eves, Thomas Franke, Warren Gillham, Dave Gittins, Mike Goldthorpe, Allan Gordon, Jim Goulsbra, Steve Guest, Vick Hall, Alex Hankin, James Hardy, John Harrington, Toby Harris, David Harris, Ian Harris, Paul Harrison, Mick Haytack
ITALY: Kim Head, Colin Hobbs, Bob Holliday, George Hornby, David Horton, Chris Jones, Craig Jones, Matt Kane, Geoff Kemp, Doug Kent, Nick Kinzett, Chris Latimer, Dave Lomas, Keith Loveys, Matthew Male, John Marsden, Brad Martin, Douglas Massie, Brent McKee, Jamie McQuinn, Martin Milarky
RUSSIA: John Miller, Emeric Miszti, Edmund Morgan, Tim Neale, Dave Newnham, Geoff Norwood, Dylan O’Donnell, David Oya, Chris Palm, Nicholas Parish, Alan Parr, Tim Powell, Paul Prebble, Paul Reeves, Tony Reeves, Berry Renkin, Alex Richardson, Paul Ridout, Richard Scholefield, Richard Sharp, Ken Simpson, Graham Smith, Colin Smith, Keith Smith
TURKEY: Allan Stagg, Graham Staplehurst, Mark Stretch, Dave Tant, Roy Taylor, Keith Thomasson, Chris Tringham, Jeremy Tullett, Graham Tunnicliffe, Tom Tweedy, Mark Underhay, Rob Walk, Mark Walker, Richard Walkerdine, Steve Watts, Steve Wells, Mark Wightman, John Wilman, Derek Wilson, Derek Wood, Ivan Woodward, Per Wrestling
NB. Players who are bold are the team’s captains. Players not in the list should insert themselves under the correct Power (the player list is alphabetical and based on recipients of Spring Offensive 58).
Players then submit orders for that country’s units. The order which is most often mentioned (receives the most votes) will be followed. Where there is a tie, that unit will be ordered to stand, unordered. Each player will receive one point for each unit that follows their orders. The Player with the most points at the end of the game, in the winning country, will be declared the winner. Non-submission of orders will not held against any player. NMRs will not be counted as votes and neither will illegal orders be accepted as legitimate votes.
2. Players have the option, instead of ordering their own country’s units, to ‘subvert’ one unit of another country. This means that they order one of the other country’s units and this will count as one vote. If the subversion is successful and the subverted unit follows the orders of the subverting player, he will receive two points and he will also have the option of joining those ordering the country whose unit he ordered. This option exists only for the move immediately following the subversion. Builds alone cannot be subverted.
3. Each country will have a ‘Captain’. This captain submits one set of orders, but it will be treated as equivalent to two sets of orders for the purposes of determining which orders to follow. Captains may resign their position with a set of moves. If there is no nominated successor or volunteer then the GM will determine a successor by a random method and publish the changeover of captaincy. No country may be without one player, the Captain. If all remaining players in a country leave, then the Captain must remain in post. Once that country is eliminated its Captain may join another country’s panel. In the event that no one submits orders for a country, then the GM will seek a volunteer to change to the country in question and submit orders. NMRs are not allowed!
SA: This version differs slightly from the version in Gallimaufry No.17, in that I have removed the penalties from an unsuccessful subversion, to encourage more player participation.