by David Barnsdale

This variant is set in the time of Maria Theresa. The legal authorities are a bunch of vain and ineffective nobles who spend their time holding parties a doing nothing about the bandits (the serbo croat word is Hajduk which is pronounced high-dook) who are terrorizing the countryside from their hideouts in the marshes lie to the side of the Danube and Drama. Serious opposition to these brigands is posed only by the mysterious Slavonian Knight
The players represent the Slavonian knight and two brigands.
There are 12 supply centers – 7 to win.
Slavonia is an inland area without seas. However the marshes are crucial as refuges for the bandits. Hence “seas” in this game are in fact marshes or hilly areas. Fleets represent bands of skirmishers who get distinctly nervous if stray too far out into open terrain where they can be ridden down by cavalry represented by diplomacy’s traditional armies. These skirmishers have no problem with skipping between “coasts” of the province they are in so the one province that appears to have two coasts (Vinkovci) is a “canal”.
The double letters are the old system for representing Serbo-Croat letters used by telegraph operators. I suspect no one will ever get round to programming the judges to use Serbo-Croat letters so for want of an alternativ I’ll use that system. (No, it’s not on the judges yet but I hope it will be one day)
– cc and ch both represent English ch (but cc is harder)
– ss represents English sh
– zz represents the s in leisure
– j is not and English j but an English y
– dj in the main represents the Serbo-croat d with a bar and it is kind of soft English j .
Bacc | bac |
Banov Dol | bad |
Bansko Brdo | bab |
Beli Manistir | bel |
Bijelo Brdo | bij |
CCeminac | ccm |
CCepin | ccp |
Daljska Planina | dpl |
Daljski Rit | dri |
Darda | dda |
DJakova Greda | DJG |
DJakovo | djo |
Fruska Gora | fru |
Gussevac | gus |
Jagodnjak | jag |
Karadjordjevo | kdj |
Karapanzza | kpa |
Kopaccki Rit | kop |
Kosska | kos |
Markussica | mak |
Monjoross | mon |
Mostongo | mos |
Negoslavci | neg |
Onoplje | ono |
Osijek | osi |
Otok | oto |
Petrijevci | pet |
Plavanski Rit | pla |
Semeljevo Jezero | Sej |
Sombor | som |
SStid | sst |
Trpinja | trp |
Valpovo | val |
Velike Livade | vel |
Vinkovci | vin |
Vuka | vka |
Vukovar | vkr |
ZZupanja | zzu |