Designer Unknown
1.) Normal Diplomacy Rules apply until changed by the procedure described below.
2.) In each spring move of each year, each player has the right to propose either a) A new rule, b) Change in an old rule, c) Abolition of an old rule, d) A change in the existing board, & e) An addition to the existing board. This right exists to all players, whether eliminated or not. Proposed rules are printed as press if a postal game.
3.) In the fall move of each year, each player has the right to vote for a rule in any of the following ways….a) Yes, b) No, & c) Abstain. Should a player not send in any vote at all, it will mean abstain for that rule. Should the number of Yes votes exceed the number of No votes the Rule is passed and is effective all seasons following that fall move. (Note that Yes votes need not be a majority of voters, they merely have to exceed the No votes in number to have the Rule passed.)
4.) No new rule will abolish the rules described here or change them in any way (eg, You can’t propose changing the rules of Shifting Diplomacy), nor can a new rule result in a player or players immediately winning the game.
5.) Rule changes must be universal for all players and must not single out a particular player (or players) for different treatment from the other players (e.g. “all German armies to stand unordered”).
6.) The GM has the discretion to Veto any rule passed in the fall season of that year if he thinks the rule exceptionally silly or biased for/against a particular player.
This is basically the same as Somewhat Demiurgic Diplomacy.