Sail Ho! II (fn08)

by “Tarzan”

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There are 4 powers in the Sail Ho! variant. Each power has 2 Home Supply Centers (SCs). The Map contains a total of 16 SCs; half of these SCs are Home SCs and half are “neutral” SCs. Victory is achieved when 9 SCs are controlled by a single power. The tricky part of Sail Ho! is that half of the total number of SCs are located on islands! Thus, there is an incentive for players to make ample use of the “convoy” order.

There are a total of 60 Provinces (43 Land Provinces and 17 Water Provinces). 11 of the Land Provinces are located on islands.

The 3 islands are named: the Isle of Women (Les, Hes, Ves); Cyprus (Aph, Psy, Cup); Dissentos (Nes, Are, Hin, Ser, Str)

Two of the Land Provinces have “split coasts”: Village of Psyche (Psy) – East and West coasts; Shrine to Hestia (Hes) – North and South coasts

There are 16 Supply Centers (SCs). Half of the SCs are located on islands. 9 SCs are required for a solo victory.

There are 4 Powers, each with 2 Home SCs. Each Power starts with 2 units (one in each of his Home SCs).


There are 4 Powers, each with 2 Home SCs.

Each Power starts with 2 units (one in each of his Home SCs), as follows:


A (Hercules’ Respite); A (Village of Aeolus)


A (Depths of Hades); F (Xena’s Rest)


A (Centaur Forest); F (amazon Village)


F (Isle of Lesbos); F (Convent of the Vestal Virgins)

Map Provinces
AbbreviationMap Space NameDescription
AeoVillage of AeolusLandNorth’s Home SC
AlcAlcmene’s VillageLand 
AmaAmazon VillageLandEast’s Home SC
AphAphrodite’s BeachLandNeutral SC
ArePalace of AresLandNeutral SC
ArgArgo’s PastureLand 
AutAutolycus’ HideoutLand 
CalCallisto’s StrongholdLand 
CecCecrops’ ChannelWater 
CenCentaur ForestLandEast’s Home SC
ChaCharon’s CrossingLand 
ChiChiron’s CaveLand 
CupCupid’s CloudLandNeutral SC
DeiDeianeira’s GraveLand 
EasEastern OceanWater 
EchEcho’s GladeLand 
ElyElysian FieldsLand 
FirSea of FireWater 
FieField of the Golden FleeceLand 
FurRealm of the 3 FuriesLand 
GabGabrielle’s VillageLand 
GliGlittering GulfWater 
GoCGulf of ChainsWater 
HadDepths of HadesLandSouth’s Home SC
HerHercules’ RespiteLandNorth’s Home SC
HesShrine to HestiaLandNorth and South Coasts
HinForest of the Golden HindLand 
HipHippolyta’s GirdleLand 
JasJason’s KingdomLand 
JoxJoxter’s RetreatLand 
LbsLesbian SeaWater 
LesIsle of LesbosLandWest’s Home SC
LovLover’s LaneWater 
MidRealm of King MidasLand 
MinMinotaur’s LabyrinthLand 
MorMorpheus’ PalaceLandNeutral SC
NarNarcissus’ ReflectionWater 
NesNestor’s KingdomLandNeutral SC
OlyMount OlympusLand 
PeaOcean of PeaceWater 
PerPersephone’s GardenLand 
PosPoseidon’s CurseWater 
ProPrometheus’ CliffLandNeutral SC
PsyVillage of PsycheLandEast and West Coasts
SalSalmonius’ SchemeLand 
SchScholars ChannelWater 
SerSerina’s VillageLand 
SisSisyphus’ HillLand 
SoASea of ArrowsWater 
SoDSea of DreamsWater 
SoTSea of TearsWater 
SouSouth SeaWater 
SoWSea of WavesWater 
StrStrife’s CaveLandNeutral SC
TanTantalus’ PoolLand 
TarTartarusLandNeutral SC
VesConvent of the Vestal VirginsLandWest’s Home SC
WesWestern OceanWater 
XenXena’s RestLandSouth’s Home SC
ZeuTemple of ZeusLand 
Background & Origins of Map Province Names

The names of many of the map provinces in Sail Ho! are taken from mythology. Sometimes they are related to stories of Hercules and Xena and relate to episodes depicted in their television series.

The following descriptions are offered as background for some of the map space names.

Aeolus – friend and partner of Hercules

Alcmenea – mortal woman; mother of Hercules; she later married Jason

Amazons a race of women warriors who live in the forest and do not like men; they are at war with the Centaurs

Aphrodite – Goddess of Love and Beauty; born of the sea-foam; daughter of Zeus; half-sister of Hercules; mother of Cupid; jealous of Psyche’s beauty; likes to Surf, a real “California girl”

Ares – God of War; son of Zeus; jealous of his father’s favortism for his half-brother, Hercules; lover of Aphrodite and father of Cupid; attracted to Xena

Argo – Xena’s horse (also the name of Jason’s ship)

Autolycus – “King of Thieves” (by his own account), friend of Xena and Hercules

Callistoarch – enemy of Xena, her village was stormed by Xena when she was a young girl at which time her parents were murdered

Cecrops – punished by Poseiden and forced to sail the seas capturing souls, who may never leave his ship

Centaurs – a race of half-men (from the waist up) and half-horses (from the waist down); generally savage; at war with the Amazons

Charon the ferryman who transports souls into the kingdom of Hades

Chirona – famous Centaur known for his virtue and wisdom; a mentor of Hercules

Cupid – god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares, in love with Psyche

Cyprus – the island Aphrodite stepped ashore at when she arose from the sea-foam

Deianeira – Hercules’ wife; killed by Hera with their children

Echoa – nymph who loved Narcissus; she was punished by Hera, who turned her speech into a repetition of what others said (i.e. echos)

Furies – three terror-inspiring creatures that attend Persephone in Hades

Gabrielle – Xena’s friend and partner

Golden Fleece – the skin of a magical ram; although the fleece was under the care of a sleepless dragon, Jason and his Argonauts successfully acquired this treasure

Golden Hinda – half-woman half-horse entity; she is the last of her “kind”; rumor has it that her blood can kill a god

Hades – Lord of the Underworld; brother of Zeus

Hera – Queen of the Gods and jealous (with good cause) wife of Zeus; she is quite vindictive and hates Hercules

Hercules – a “do-gooder”; half-man half-god with enormous strength; son of Zeus

Hestiaminor – goddess of the hearth, family and peace; sister of Zeus

Hippolyta – Queen of the Amazons; she possesses a girdle of wonderful beauty given to her by Ares

Jason – a king who married Hercules mother; finder of the Golden Fleece

Joxter – also called “Joxter the Mighty” (by himself); brave and stupid, but loveable; friends with Xena and Gabrielle; somewhat unskilled at fighting

Labyrinth – a giant maze to hide the Minotaur

Lesbos – a “mysterious” isle where only women live

Midas – a wealthy king who loved gold more than anything; he was granted the power that everything he touched turned into gold (including his daughter!); this turned out to be his curse as well

Minotaur – half-man (from the waist down) and half-bull (from the waist up); he lives within the Labyrinth

Morpheus – guardian of dreams, both prophetic and deceptive

Narcissus – a young man possessing incredible beauty; he was loved by many, yet spurned them all (including Echo); he loved only himself

Nestora – prince who hates Hercules and wants to kill him using the blood of the Golden Hind

Olympus – Mountain where the gods reside

Persephone – Queen of the Underworld; daughter of Zeus; she was abducted by Hades and as a result must spend half her time with him in the Underworld

Poseidon – Lord of the Sea; brother of Zeus

Prometheus – punished by the gods for giving fire to mankind; chained to a rock where vultures pick at his body; each body part grows back for the torture to repeat itself infinitely

Psyche – a very beautiful girl in love with Cupid

Salmonius – a cowardly, money-hungry, but loveable fellow; friends with Hercules and Aeolus

Serina – the human (female) form taken by the Golden Hind; a love of Hercules

Sisyphus – known for his cleverness and knavery, he lived by thieving; he was punished in the underworld where he was forced to roll a huge boulder up a hill; when the boulder reached the top it would roll back down again and the punishment would begin again

Strife – nephew of Ares; a minor god with minor powers; generally causes trouble

Tantalus – a son of Zeus; punished by the gods for various offenses; he was placed in a pool where food and drink were just beyond his grasp

Vestal Virgins – beautiful virgin women who tend the sacred fire of Hestia; much desired and sought after

Xena – the “Warrior Princess”; a former warlord; now turned “do-gooder”

Zeus – King of the Gods and husband of Hera; he is the father of Hercules, Aprodite, Ares and others; he has numerous affairs with both goddesses and mortals