by Stephen Agar

This variant is loosely based on the rise of Republican Rome throughout the period 219-146 BC; years during which Rome conclusively defeated the Carthaginians, Macedonians and the Selucid Persians – of the players represented in this variant only Ptolemaic Egypt survived into the next century.
In essence this is a 5 player map variant, with the usual Diplomacy system. However, there are a few departures in that some neutrals are the home base for Armed Neutral mercenary units which which players can ally and builds are permitted in all captured supply centres.
0. Usual Diplomacy rules apply, save where modified below.
1. Players
There are five players in this game with the following initial placements and provinces:
Bal = Balearic Islands Car(*) = Carthage – Fleet
Emp = Emporia
Gad = Gades
Hip = Hippo Regius
New(*) = New Carthage – Army Tha(*) = Thapsus – Fleet
Zam = Zama
Apo = Apollonia
Apu = Apulia
Cam(*) = Campania – Fleet
Etu(*) = Etruria – Army
Rom(*) = Rome – Army
Sar = Sardinia
Sic = Sicily
Umb = Umbria
Ptolemaic Egypt:
Ale(*) = Alexandria – Army
Cyp(*) = Cyprus – Fleet
Mem = Memphis
Pto = Ptolemais
Rap(*) = Raphia – Fleet
Pel(*) = Pella – Fleet
Phi = Philippi
The(*) = Thessaly – Army
Thr(*) = Thrace – Army
Selucid Persia:
Arm(*) = Armenia – Army
Ant(*) = Antioch – Army
Mes = Mesopotamia
Phy(*) = Phrygia (ec) – Fleet
2. Neutrals
Neutral Supply Centres:
Ach(*) = Achea (Army)
Aet(*) = Aetolia (Army)
Bit(*) = Bithynia
Cel(*) = Celtiberia (Army)
Coe(*) = Coele Syria (Army)
Cre(*) = Crete (Fleet)
Cyr(*) = Cyrene
Epi(*) = Epirus
Ill(*) = Illyria (Army)
Lig(*) = Liguria (Army)
Num(*) = Numidia (Army)
Mas(*) = Massilia
Per(*) = Pergammon (Army)
Rho(*) = Rhodes (Fleet)
Syr(*) = Syracuse
Those marked (Army) or (Fleet) contain an Armed Neutral unit at the beginning of the game. As in Regular Diplomacy, occupation in a Autumn move is needed to take control.
Neutral Non-Supply Centres:
Aqu = Aquitania
Ara = Arabia
Bae = Baecula
Boe = Boeotia
Cis = Cisalpina
Gal = Galatia
Gau = Gaul
Lep = Lepcis Magna
Lus = Lusitania
Mau = Mauretania
Pae = Paeonia
Pro = Provincia
Sag = Saguntum
Spa = Sparta
Sea Spaces
ADS = Adriatic Sea
AEG = Aegean Sea
AFR = African Sea
BLA = Black Sea
CIL = Cilician Sea
COR = Corsican Sea
EMS = Eastern Mediterranean Sea
GoE = Gulf of Emporiae
HEL = Hellespont
IBE = Iberian Sea
ION = Ionian Sea
LIB = Libyan Sea
PHO = Phoenician Sea
TYR = Tyrrhenian Sea
3. Alliances
3.1 After each winter adjustments, each player distributes all the influence points available to him in an attempt to construct an alliance with one or more of the Armed Neutrals, although only two such alliances are permitted per player. Each player has 10 influence points to distribute each Winter irrespective of size plus 2 influence points per supply centre controlled. If they wish, players may use their influence points to suppoer alliance bids made by other players. The players may agree to play the Winter build season and attempts to form alliances as a third season separate from Spring and Autumn.
The player who bids the most for an alliance with an Armed Neutral succeeds. If there are two equal bids, neither bid succeeds (and any lower bids by other players will also fail), save that an established alliance will continue in the face of an equal bid from another player. Once a player forms two valid alliances, all his other bids are ignored.
3.2 Successful alliances are declared in the game report. The effect of such an alliance is that for the duration of the alliance the Armed Neutral unit in question will come under the control of that player. The rule prohibiting self-dislodgement applies to allied Armed Neutral units as if they were units belonging to the player in question.
3.3 If an Armed Neutral unit is destroyed it will automatically be rebuilt in the following winter season in its home neutral supply centre provided that the home supply centre is still neutral and vacant. In the event that the neutral supply centre supporting the Armed Neutral unit is taken by another player the Armed Neutral unit will no longer be supported by a supply centre and will disband in the following Winter adjustments, unless the neutral supply centre is recaptured by the Armed Neutral or its ally (see 3.4 below).
3.4 A player cannot obtain ownership of an allied neutral supply centre through occupation, though such occupation may protect or reinstate the neutral supply centres’ neutrality and thus aid the Armed Neutral. Thus, if a player moves a unit into the neutral home supply centre of its ally in an Autumn move and then terminates the alliance, possession of the supply centre will not pass until the following Winter a year later as alliances are formed/ended after the Winter Build season.
3.5 Any supply centre captured by an Armed Neutral is credited to the control of the player with which it is allied, it is not credited to the Armed Neutral. Armed Neutrals can only be supported by the home neutral supply centre and no other.
3.6 An alliance will come to an end after the relevant Winter builds/adjustments if:
– the player makes an alternative alliance;
– the Armed Neutral unit has been destroyed in the course of the year and not rebuilt in the following Winter;
– the Armed Neutral is removed due to the capture of its neutral home centre.
3.7 If an alliance comes to an end then the Armed Neutral will be automatically returned to its neutral home supply centre if vacant and neutral. If it is in a space adjacent to its neutral home centre it will attempt to move into its neutral home centre until either it succeeds, is taken into a new alliance, or is removed in the following Winter adjustments for not being supported by a supply centre. Otherwise it will stand unordered. Armed Neutrals may of course receive support even if they are not in a current alliance.
4. Building Units
Unlike regular Diplomacy, a player may build units in any supply centres controlled by that player provided they are vacant. Thus, once Macedonia takes Epirus it can build fleets facing towards Italy.
5. Map Oddities
Aetolia, Boeotia and Phyrgia all have two coasts.
Fleets may move through Achea by virtue of its canal systems and thus Achea only has one coast, but a fleet in Achea cannot convoy;
Rhodes can be moved through by fleets and a fleet in Rhodes can convoy an army through Rhodes;
Corsica and Sardinia are a single space;
The Ionian Sea goes from the Adriatic right round the toe of Italy through the straits of Messana. However, armies may move directly between Sicily and Campania (and vice versa) irrespective of the Ionian Sea.
6. Calander
The first move takes place in Spring 220 BC. Winter 221 BC can be played as a separate season if the players wish.
7. Victory
Ownership of 16 supply centres are needed for victory.