Republic (pi05)

by Der Garvey

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This game does not depict any particular historical event, but is representative of all the conflicts which have taken place in Ireland.

Many kingdoms have existed in Ireland, at various stages, but the best known of these are the 4 Kingdoms of Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connaught, which are still used to divide Ireland into it’s provinces. These Kingdoms thus make up 4 of the players in ‘Republic’. The fifth player represents the invading, which at different times, have included Welsh, the Vikings, the British etc. For the purposes of this game, this player will be the British. The game is then a rough representation of the situation after the death of Brian Boru, the greatest of the high kings of Ireland.


1. All Rules of normal 1971) Diplomacy apply, except as altered below.

2. There are 25 on bears supply centres. A player must possess 14 of them to win.

3. Starting Positions:

At the start of the game each player controls the following territories:

ULSTER: Belfast North; Belfast South;

MUNSTER: Cork South; Cork Central;

LEINSTER-: Dublin North; Dublin South;

CONNAUGHT: Galway West; Galway South;

BRITAIN: Devon West; Devon East;

Each player may build units only in his own starting position territories.

It can be seen that each of the Irish players, begin the game with 2 on-board supply centres. The British have none, but Britain does have 2 ‘Off-board’ supply centres. These are however only temporary, in Autumn 1018, Britain is reduced to one ‘Off-board’ centre, and in Autumn 1019, he is reduced to none, and becomes entirely dependent on his on-board centres.

4. The game begins with the Winter 1015 build season. In this season, players build armies, fleets, or bridges (or any combination of these three), prior to the first spring moves.

5. Each on-board supply centre will supply it’s owner with 10 supply points per game year. The British off-board centres provide 11 points per game year.

6. Each unit (army or fleet) requires 7 supply points per game year, to maintain it. Each Bridge requires 6 supply points per game year to maintain it. Each Autumn, the players will add up the number of points available to him, and adjust their units accordingly, as in regular Diplomacy.

7. Supply points may not be accumulated, any not used in a given autumn, are forfeited.

8. Players may pay supply points to one another, as part of a diplomatic deal, provided the GM is notified. The player giving the money must state the amount, and to whom payable. The player receiving the money, must specify the amount and from whom payable. These points may be paid as rental or toll on a bridges, or for any other reason, but the payment on receipt of points, does not bind anyone to any deal. (Note: supply points transferred between players, apply only for that year, and if necessary, should be re-ordered each autumn.)


a) Armies (and fleets) may not travel directly between territories, which are separated by a river, unless that river is bridged at any point.

b) A player can only bridge a section of river, if one of his units is in an adjacent province.

c) Like armies and fleets, bridges are built in the Winter period after the Autumn turn.

d) 0nce built, a bridge is neutral (i.e. it will allow passage to any, regardless of nationality).

e) Any player, in a winter adjustment season, may order the demolition of one or more of his bridges. As with all winter adjustments (builds etc.), this may be made conditional on the results of the autumn moves.

f) An army or fleet may attack and destroy a bridge, provided the army does not come under attack itself (i.e. if an army or fleet, ordered to attack a bridge, comes under attack itself – including an attack across the bridge – then the attack on the bridge, will fail).

g) If any bridge is removed from the map for any reason (either a demolition order by the owner, or as the result of an attack), then the owner of the bridge, will lose.2 supply points. This loss is permanent, and in each subsequent build season, he must deduct 2 from his total available points.

h) There is nothing to Stop two players from building bridges over the same stretch of river.

i) A bridge can link only two counties and orders to build a bridge must state clearly the two counties that it is wished to link.


a) Fleets in coastal provinces must still take account of rivers -. i.e. they too require the use of bridges to cross rivers. This is because, when in a coastal province, it is assumed that the ships are harboured offshore, and the bulk of the military force (guns, men etc.) is transferred to the land. (Note: while a fleet in Waterford – for example – could not move directly to Wexford South, without a bridge, it could move to St, Georges Channel, and then onto Waterford South.)

b) A fleet in a coastal province, may be ordered to convert to an army (though the converse is not true) This operation requires a whole season, and the fleet may not be ordered to do anything else in that season. It may however receive support in holding. If a fleet is dislodged while attempting this conversion, the attempt fails.

c) Fleets may not travel up rivers.


a) Kildare North does not border on Offaly South or Dublin South. Similarly, Kildare South does not border on Offaly North or Dublin North.

b) The river between Galway West and Galway Central can be bridged.


Orders to attack a bridge are written as follows:


In this order a unit in Kilkenny West attacked the bridge linking Kilkenny West and Waterford. Orders to build or remove bridges, can be written longhand. Other orders can be written in the standard form.


Most province names are shown in full on the map. In this case, the normal method of taking the first three letters of the name is used, where the province name is in a simple form (e.g. Kerry). Where a normal Irish county has been divided into two or more parts the first two letters of the county name and then it’s subdivision (e.g. Cork Central – CcC). Sea Areas, are as usual, designated by their name in Full Capitals (eg. English Channel – ENG).

Certain Abbreviations are used on the map, as follows:

Car – Carrow; DbN – Dublin North; DbS – Dublin South; KkE – Kilkenny East; LeN – Leitrim North; ; LeS – Leitrim South; N or Nth – North


The player who is Britain should remember that, although he has 22 supply points at the start of the game, he can only use 14 of these to build units, since he has only 2 build centres. The remaining 8 can be used as gifts to his opponents or to build bridges, or can just be left idle and retained.