by Fred Hemmings
The game is played on the standard Diplomacy board except that St Petersburg is divided into two areas known as St Petersburg and Archangel. St Petersburg joins Livonia, Finland, Moscow, the Gulf of Bothnia and Archangel; Archangel joins Moscow, Finland, Norway, the Barents Sea and St Petersburg. The game starts in Winter 2020.
0. All normal (1971) rules apply with the following changes:
1. Players receive the standard number of pieces, bat may choose what type they are (army or navy).
2. The following islands are additional neutral provinces and may be visited and used in either attack and support: Balearic Is. (1 province only), Crete, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, Gotland, Sardinia, Sicily, Kolguev. There is no land route between Sicily and Naples.
3. Although pieces start in the same place as the regular game (the Russian player choosing between St Petersburg and archangel), these are not necessarily (due to nuclear War), supply centers. The GM will throw at random within each country allocating the same number of supply centers as in the regular game. Players will be told if they are in a supply center at the start, but not the location of the home s.c.’s they do not occupy (foreign or not).
4. Rule 3 also applies to neutral s.c.’s.
5. The following are possible supply centers (apart from the usual ones):
a) England: Wales, Clyde, Yorkshire.
b) Germany: Prussia, Ruhr, Silesia.
c) Russia: Archangel, Livonia, Ukraine, Finland.
d) Turkey: Armenia, Cyprus, Syria. (Note Cyprus is not neutral).
e) Austria: Bohemia, Galicia, Tyrolia.
f) France: Burgundy, Gascony, Picardy.
g) Italy: Piedmont, Tuscany, Apulia.
h) Neutral: Balearic Is., Albania, Crete, Gotland, Iceland, North Africa, Switzerland (the latter being passable in this game).
6. The war has caused geological changes. Each player must insert one, and may insert two, mountain ranges either within or at the borders of his country. A mountain range takes up the whole space between two adjacent provinces (eg. the Ruhr/Kiel border or the Picardy coast, but if placed on the Brest coast it would either be against the Channel or the Atlantic, not both ‑ unless two mountain ranges were used). A mountain range (which can also be a cliff), prevents an army crossing, or, if on a coast, prevents a fleet crossing. If two countries place a mountain range in the same place it will also be impassable to Mutant forces (see below), this also applies if a single country builds both its mountains along the same border, Diplomacy should not be allowed before the mountains are placed.
7. During 2021 (the first year), discovery of your home supply centers in either spring or winter is acceptable, failure to discover them then will mean that a player will not be credited with them in the winter. At all other times only Autumn occupancy will count (as in regular).
8. Mountains are discovered by any piece in an adjacent area, but double mountains are only recognized as such by a country whose mutant force fails to cross them.
9. Mutant forces. At any time after the start of the game one or more mutant forces may be brought into play. A mutant force may be built instead of two normal pieces or by the destruction of one unit in a home supply center and the use of a single build, or by the destruction of two units, one of which is in a home supply center and the other in an adjacent province. A mutant force must be built in a vacant home supply center and must always take first priority as a build. Mutant forces fight as any other normal units, but they have the ability to (a) move on land and sea, (b) pass over single mountains.
10. Players will be informed of the location of s.c.’s they discover, but their position will not be published for all to see.
11. Players may make their mountain builds conditional on whether their units start off in a s.c. or not.
12. Normal victory conditions apply.