Perestroika V (re22)

by Larry Conlon

0. All rules as per Diplomacy save where amended below.

1. Each ordinary supply centre in 1900 has one Block of industrial production which generates one Point per year. A nation’s Points are totalled each Winter yielding a yearly Gross National Product (GNP).

2. GNP: The GNP is added to each Power’s Treasury each Autumn to increase the number of Points in the Treasury. Points can be used each winter to buy or maintain fleets and armies, or be re-invested in more Blocks to yield a larger GNP the following year, or be sent to another player as Loans or Trade.

3. Blocks: Blocks require one Point each to build and require no maintenance. Blocks can be built in any of the supply centres a nation controls as part of the Winter builds. The cost of Blocks never changes. The number of Blocks built in a given supply centre cannot exceed the number of Blocks already existing in that supply centre. Note: buying a Block in effect yields a 100% return after the first year!

4. Military Units: The game starts in Winter 1900 without any armies or fleets. This reflects the reality that some nations never had fleets and some may not have had to mobilise. Build orders are submitted for Winter 1900 for military units and Blocks to be built in the supply centres owned, and Fleets and Armies cost one Point each at the beginning of the game.

In Winter 1990 and Winter 1901 military units cost 1 Point each. Thereafter the cost of military units rises in line with Inflation. The new price is indicated by the game year – eg. in Winter 1902 military units cost 2 Points to build or maintain, in Winter 1903 they cost 3 Points, Winter 1904, 4 Points etc.

5.Adjustments: The game begins as normal. In the Winter adjustments of each year one Point is earned for each Block owned. The number of Blocks in any given supply centre is signified after each centre’s name (eg. Edi5). The sum total of all supply centres is that Power’s GNP. For example, if after Autumn 1905 England owns the following centres: Lpl10, Lon5, Edi7, Den3, Nwy5, Bel1, then the English GNP is 31 Points. This can be used to purchase up to 31 new building Blocks or build or maintain up to 6 units (the cost of units being 5 Points each in Winter 1905) with the remaining Point being used on a single Block, or being Loaned, Traded or left in the Treasury.

6.The Treasury: The Treasury can hold Points indefinitely and resembles liquid assets (the Blocks represent non-liquid investments). The Treasury has no particular location and may continue to exist after loss of all supply centre. Thus players may survive as a military Power once all supply centres are lost provided funding exists. Trade, however, may not be conducted unless a supply centre remains under the Power’s control.

7. Loans: A Power may transfer Points to another Power at anytime. The GM will publish all loans in the game report.

8. Trade: Immediately after a Spring move or an Autumn move a Power may transfer Points from its Treasury to another Power’s Treasury as Trade, the receiving Power will receive two times the amount sent as profitable Trade. Note: This form of activity can yield 300% per year – Eg. If Austria trades Italy 3 Points, then Italy receives 6 Points. If Italy send back the 6 Points then Austria receives 12! All Trade is published in the game report.

9. Trade with Neutrals: If Trade is sent to Neutrals then the GM will send the same amount back as Trade to the Power concerned the following Season. All profit accruing to a Neutral will be held in the Neutral’s Treasury and spent each Winter by the GM in building Blocks in that Neutral. Any Power taking control of a Neutral seizes its Treasury.

10. Trade Routes: Trade may only occur if: (1) unoccupied lines of water and neutral spaces are open (ie. a water route) or (2) the trading partners have contiguous bordering provinces which are not occupied by a third Power. Trade otherwise requires the permission of the Power(s) occupying the water, or in possession of the land through which a Trade route must go. It is up to the Power sending the trade to specify a Trade route (in default the GM will assume the shortest free route alphabetically and then the shortest and then the shortest route alphabetically). Permission can be given for trade in one direction only and should be included with Spring or Autumn moves. The viability of Trade is determined after moves and retreats (but before adjustments).

11. Overspending: Players are not allowed to overspend. If orders exceed resources, the GM will give building and maintain units a priority and after that will execute orders in the order in which they are written until the Treasury is emptied.

12. The Rubble Rule: Any supply centre which is unsuccessfully attacked will lose a number of Blocks equivalent to the number of valid attacks made on that centre plus valid supports, though no centre can be reduced to less than one Block. The effect of this rule is multiplied by the inflation factor (ie. the number of the year, 01, 02, 03 etc.). For example an unsuccessful attack by two units on Brest in 1906 will result in Brest losing (2 x 6) = 12 Blocks.

13. Plundering: Any unit standing in a supply centre can dismantle 2 Blocks in that season and thereby put one Point into its Treasury. One Block must always remain.

14. Disbanding: To encourage peace, units in supply centres may be disbanded during Winter adjustments provided that the power concerned does not also build any units anywhere else at the same time.

15.Victory: The goal of the game is to dominate Europe by having a GNP which exceeds half of all Europe’s combined GNP.