by Tim Miller
0.1 All rules of standard Diplomacy(tm) apply, except where contradicted below.
1. Set up
1.1 Each great power starts with an army in its capital city, except England, which starts with a fleet. The remainder of the units are considered demobilized, and must be mobilized before they may be ordered to move or support.
1.2 Although the home centers of each power other than the capital are not occupied, they still are owned by their normal great power.
1.3 The vacant home centers are considered to support their usual unit (ie Smyrna supports an army and Trieste supports a fleet), only it is de-mobilized, and thus does not appear on the map.
2. Mobilizing and de-mobilizing
2.1 A great power may issue a mobilizing order to any of its de-mobilized units during any move or build turn, but not during a retreat turn. As soon as a power issues a mobilizes a unit, the appropriate game piece is placed on the board.
2.2 Units may not be ordered further on the turn they are mobilized. Ie if England mobilizes F Edinburgh in Fall 1901, he can not order it to move until Spring 1902.
2.3 A player may de-mobilize any of his units on any move or build turn, and may de-mobilize any dislodges units in a retreat turn, provided he has speace for them (see 2.4).
2.4 Each player’s home supply centers may support 2 de-mobilized units. A player must order a unit he is de-mobilizing to do so at a specific home supply center. Fleets must be ordered to de-mobilize to a costal center. If that center already contains two de-mobilized armies, the order to de-mobilize is invalid.
2.5 Centers that contain de-mobilized units may still be entered freely by other units (see 3.5-6).
2.6 A unit ordered to de-mobilize is taken off the board immeadiatly and participates in no further action that turn.
3. Special orders pertaining to de-mobilized units
3.1 De-mobilized units still require one supply center to support themselves. A player may remove de-mobilized units as he would any regular unit. No player, however, may build a de-mobilized unit.
3.2 Two de-mobilized units each can be supported by a player’s home supply centers (see 2.4), but captured enemy home supply centers and neutral centers may not support any de-mobilized units.
3.3 If a power has one of his home centers, that center may no longer support any de-mobilized units. All de-mobilized units in that center are destroyed.
3.4 A home center must be empty for a unit to mobilize in it. No unit may mobilize on top of another.
3.5 If a unit attempts to mobilize in a center, and that center is attacked by enemy forces on that turn, then the mobilization fails, even if the enemy attack fails to capture the center. The mobilizing unit is not considered to contribute to the defense of the center.
3.6 If a player attempts to mobilize an unit in a center and simultaneously move another one of his units into that center, then the mobilization succeeds and the attempted move bounces.
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