by David E. Cohen

All rules are as in Standard, except as follows:
1. The victory criterion is ownership of a majority of the Supply Centers (18 out of 35).
2. Navigable Rivers/River Convoys. The rivers on the map, representing the Indus, the Ganges/Brahmaputra, and the Irrawaddy are available forfleets to travel up to the interior, and they can be used to convoy. The fleets will be on the provinces, as the rivers are not spacesthemselves, but merely indicators. If a fleet attacks a convoying fleetin a river province, the convoy is disrupted whether or not the attack is successful, but an attacking army must dislodge the fleet for theconvoy to be disrupted.
3. Additional Home Centers. If a power leaves a specific unit on a Supply Center whether owned by that power or not) for an entire game calendar year (consecutive Spring, Fall and Winter turns), then that Suply Center becomes a new Home Supply Center for that power. Moving a different unit onto the Supply Center in the fall is not effective for this purpose. In that case, just as in Standard Diplomacy, the Supply Center is a Home Supply Center for the original owner, but presently belongs to a different power. A Supply Center can only be a Home Supply Center for one power at a time, so if power A converts power B’s Home Supply Center to a Home Supply Center for power A, then power B must recapture and reconvert the Supply Center in order for it to once more be a Home Supply Center for power B.