S Craig Taylor and James B Wood

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Balance of Power Scenario – Struggle for Dominance Scenario (I) and Scenario (II)
The Spanish Preponderance
Machiavelli is a commercially produced game and thus its rules are not freely available on the Internet. However, the following Errata has been published by Avalon Hill:
Clarifications and Errata
December 3, 1997
ERRATA on chart: Perugia was mistakenly added twice to the Famine Table. Delete the 11, 12 dice roll listing of Perugia but keep the 4, 2 dice roll listing.
ERRATA FOR 3.2 Control of provinces with their cities for all purposes, including victory, is determined only “at the start of the Spring turn” (not “at the end of any turn”). Change the phrase in each of the four paragraphs of the rule.
4.3 With an enemy in the province and a friendly garrison in the city, is the city in friendly control?
A. No, control of the city goes hand-in-hand with control of the province.
ERRATA for 4.3 To clarify, the fourth bullet should read: “If one player has a garrison unit in the city while another player has a military unit in the city’s province, no one controls the province and its city. Remove any control marker that may have been in the area.”
8.5 May a player both disband and build in the same province in the same Spring?
A. No. Disbandment takes place after all builds, so that no army may be replaced by a fleet or vice versa. The disbandment rule does not allow you to skip the garrison stage to convert a unit.
9.2 and 9.3 The rulebook is correct. The expenses table contains an error. Bribes J and K apply to garrison units, too, and the costs for these bribes are doubled for garrisons in major cities.
9.3 What is “adjacent” when it comes to bribing a garrison? Do you have to be in the same province as the city?
A. No, the bribe may be done from the same province or from the province adjacent to the one containing the city.
9.3 The rulebook states “a player who orders a bribe to buy a military unit (K) may also write orders for that unit to use that turn.” Does this apply exclusively to bribe K or does it also apply to other bribes (such as autonomous garrisons)?
A. A player may write orders for any units acquired during the expenditure phase of the same turn.
10 A rebellion has been brewed inside Genoa city, allowing Florence to force Milan’s army in Genoa province to retreat. Can the Milanese army retreat into the city?
A. No, the Milanese army may not retreat into a location held by a rebellion. The rebellion is “relieved” and removed at the end of the turn (after retreats are conducted).
10 If a rebellion unit is placed in a fortified city, does that unit support liberating units advancing into the province?
A. Yes.
14 Do “two strength” special units count as a single support? Can it be cut by a single advance?
A. No, only one of its strength points is cut by a single advance, the other support remains intact.
ERRATA New Rule 16.5 Ducat Borrowing Phase (NEW)
The Ducat Borrowing Phase contains two steps: First, loans that are due must be repaid or the default penalty is applied. Second, new loans may be borrowed. This sequencing prevents players from taking out new loans to repay loans that are due in the same phase. Note: all money borrowed in a single phase for the same duration is part of the same loan.
ERRATA RULE 17.1 Control of provinces (along with their cities) -is transferred at the start of the Spring turn (as stated in 4.3) and is no different when determining conquest of a player. To simplify, rule 17.1 should state “If you control no provinces in your home country at the start of a Spring turn, your are eliminated.” Furthermore, “To conquer another player’s home country, you must control all provinces in that player’s home country at the start of a Spring turn.” This change does add the requirement of conquering home provinces containing no cities.