by Tim Collieu

This variant is set in the Middle East in the period around 600 B.C. There are six powers – Egypt, Cannan (Israel), Hatti (the Hittites),Assyria, Babylon and the Allies (which represent several of the peoples to the east of Israel).
l. Except where specifically stated below, the 1971 (1983 revised) rules of Diplomacy are used.
2. Starting positions for the six powers are as follows:
EGYPT: A/F(Tanis); A/F(Helipolis); A/F(Memphis)
CANNAN (ISRAEL): A/F(Jerusalem); A/F(Tyre); A(Damascus)
HATTI: A/F(Mersin); A/F(Mitanni); A(Allepo)
ASSYRIA: A(Nineveh); A(Nimir); A(Ectantan)
BABYLON: A(Babylon); A(Ur); A(Kish)
THE ALLIES: A(Ammon); A(Moab); A(Edom)
3. The A/F (Army/Fleet). The starting positions for some powers involve a unit designated A/F. This unit may start as EITHER an army OR a fleet, and the first set of orders MUST specify A or F (it cannot remain as an A/F). Further A/F’s cannot be built. However, any army in a coastal space may turn itself into a fleet by being ordered to do so (E.g. A(Tyr)-F(Tyr)),which represents an army building a fleet for its own transport. Such an order can only be given in place of one of the standard Diplomacy orders, and takes a full season to complete. The unit will successfully transform itself into a fleet if it is not dislodged on the given move. A fleet can likewise turn into an army at any time.
4. Holy Places. All Home Supply Centres are “Holy Places”. If they are captured by another power, that power may when capturing it opt to DESTROY the Holy Place, thus rendering it useless for the rest of the game as a non-supply centre province. The power destroying the Holy Place is awarded a double army (or fleet) (built as usual) which represents the loot derived from sacking the Holy Place. Such double units may not be rebuilt if lost.
E.g.: BABYLON: A(Moa) Destroys Moa. Builds: 2A(Ur)
A 2A is a standard army which moves, holds, and supports with the strength of two single armies. A 2A. which becomes a fleet becomes a 2F and vice versa. 2A’s (or F’s) may not split their support, but a single attack on a 2A (or F) will only cut one of its supports.
5. The starting year is 601 B.C. Note that the next year will be 600 B.C. Autumn and spring seasons are used as in standard Diplomacy.
6. The victory criterion is 16 supply centres. However, DESTROYED Holy Paces do not count towards this total. Once a Holy Place is destroyed, a double unit is gained, but the Holy Place becomes a non-supply-centre province, and thus does not count towards victory conditions. Thus a power should be mindful of the balance between supply centres he controls and 2A’s, which may help gain more centres, but which do not count in the final assessment.
All – Allepo; Amm – Ammon; Aqa – Aqaba; Ass – Assur; Bab – Babylon; Beh – Behistun; Cha – Chaldea; Cyp – Cyprus; Dam – Damascus; Ecb – Ecbantan; Edo – Edom; EMS – East Med.; Eup – Euphrates; Ezi – Ezion; Gaz – Gaza; Hel – Helipolis; Ira – Iraq; Isr – Israel; Jab – Jaboud; Jar – Jarmo; Jer – Jericho; Jeu – Jerusalem; Jor – Jordan; Kis – Kish); Kuw – Kuwait; Mai – Mair; Mar – Maraws; Mem – Memphis; Mer – Mersin; Mer – Mersin; Mib – Mibiam; Moa – Moab; NAr – North Arabia; Nil – Nile; Nim – Nimiur; Nin – Nineveh; Nis – Nisibus; PER – Persian Gulf; Pet – Petra; Sam – Samarra; Sar – South Arabia; Sid – Sidon; Sil – Silijke; Sin – Sinai; Sip – Sippor; SMS – South) Med.; Sue – Suez; Sus – Susa; Syr – Syria; Tan – Tanis; Tay – Tayma; Tig – Tigris; Tyr – Tyre; Ur – Ur; Ura – Uratu; WMS – West Med.
Reprinted from Vienna No.9 (April 1985)