LiMa Ib (cb24)

Michel Liesnard & Jean-Paul Macedoni (1972)

Adapted from the French by Georgeen and Colin Hemming

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1. Normal Diplomacy rules (ed. 1971) apply, with the exception of the following.

2. In addition to its normal units each great power has at the start of the game one air squadron (S). The initial dep1oyment is as follows:


ENGLAND: A Edi, F Lon, F Sca, S Bri

FRANCE: A Mar, A Nan, F Bre, S Par

GERMANY: A Mun, A Poz, F Kie, S Ber

ITALY: A Rom, A Ven, F Sic, S Nap

RUSSIA: A Kis, A War, F Sev, F StP(s.c.), S Mos

TURKEY: A Con, A Smy, F Ank, S Usk

3. Air squadrons have a maximum range of 2 provinces (land or sea). They may receive the following orders:

(a) Stand

(b) Support (or provide air cover)

(c) Bombing.

(d) Invasion.

4. “Stand”

This corresponds exactly to the order “stand” given to an army or fleet. If a squadron that is ordered to stand is forced to retreat, it may move to any unoccupied land province within a two province radius of that which it was forced to leave. A squadron can fly over a sea province while retreating.

5. “Support”

This is the equivalent to support given by armies and fleets but carries further (2 provinces). A squadron which is supporting over a distance of two provinces from its place of departure must be given an itinerary.

E.g. S Vie (S) A Gre-Ser VIA Tri must be distinguished from S Vie (S) A Gre-Ser VIA Bud.

The support is cut if the province of departure of the squadron is attacked, but not if the province over which it is flying to achieve its objective is attacked. Thus, if S Vie (S) A Rum-Kis VIA Gal, the support would be cut by A Tri-Vie but not by A Clu-Cal.

6. “Bombing”

This move will cut a support or prevent an attack; it does not destroy the bombed unit. If the squadron is attacked at his place of departure the bombing raid will fail, even if the squadron is not dislodged.

E.g. RUSSIA: A War-Ukr; A Kis (S) A War-Ukr

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: A Gal-Ukr; S Vie (B) A Kis via Gal

If the squadron in Vienna had been ordered to bomb Warsaw, this would not have stepped A War-Ukr but would, for example, have prevented A Lvn-War.

7. “Invasion”:

This move, corresponding to an attack by an army or fleet, can be made only:

(a) against a neutral country not conquered by an enemy;

(b) against an enemy province which is not a supply centre, and against NAf or Alb;

(c) against a supply centre previously held by an army or fleet of the same nationality as the squadron.

8. A squadron which is supporting or bombing does not change its place on the board; it makes a round-trip in one move.

9. Switzerland is impassable to air squadrons.

10. The province of departure of a squadron which is supporting or bombing can be supported by another unit. This last support blocks a double attack on the province but does not prevent the cutting of the support given by the squadron or the failure of his bombing mission.

11. If a squadron’s starting province is taken while it is supporting, bombing or unsuccessfully attempting invasion, the squadron will retreat as follows:

(a) If the squadron’s objective was adjacent to its base, it retreats into a province adjacent to its objective.

(b) If the squadron’s objective was two spaces from its base, it retreats to a province one or two spaces from its objective.

If all retreat is impossible, the squadron must be annihilated.

12. Although capture of any supply centre permits the building of a squadron, a player may build a squadron only on his home air base (which is the SC upon which his initial squadron starts the game), although that SC may nonetheless be used for building an army or fleet.

13. If two squadrons meet over the same province they return to their starting positions, not having accomplished their missions. Two squadrons whose destination is the same but which follow different routes do not cross.

14 A unit may pass directly from Constantinople to Uskudar (or vice versa, but AEG and BLA are not adjacent; to travel from one to the other a fleet must pass through Con or Usk.

15. Scapa Flow may be occupied only by a squadron or a fleet, not by an army.

[16. Optional Rule – LiMa 2b: A squadron may not move to a foreign-owned supply centre when retreating.]


Bri = Bristol; Clu = Cluj; Kis = Kishinev; Lnc = Lancashire; Nan = Nancy; Poz = Poznan; Sca = Scapa Flow; Sic = Sicily; Usk = Uskudar.

 Out of interest, this game is called LiMa because that is the first two letters of Michel Liesnard & Jean-Paul Macedoni’s surnames. Subtle, eh?