by Cristiano Corte Restitutti
Invasions III has 11 powers and 65 centers.
Starting positions: (these are not home centers)
A Viborg; F Ribe
A Gwynedd; F Dumnonia
A Magdeburg; A Wurzburg
A Mainz; A Worms
A Black Huns; A White Huns; A The Horde
A Kherson; A Kyyiv
A Lothian; F Orkney
A Bremen; F Utrecht
A Armagh; F Tara
A Gnezen; A Passau
A Granz; A Wlodzimierz
There are also 7 standing neutral units – the Romans:
Argentoratum, Augusta Vindelicorum, Caesaraugusta, Colonia Agrippina, Roma, Adrianopla, Constantionopla
Home Centers
There are no Home Centers. Powers can build in any owned Supply Center.
The BSC/HSC rules for Invasions II can be used instead.
Map features
There are 3 provinces with multiple coasts:
Asiana (north and west) (in Anatolia)
Caledonia (east and west) (in Scotland)
Haervej (east and west) (in Denmark)
There is a canal linking PON (Pontus Euxinus – the Black Sea) to BAL (Baltic) through: Pliska-Dniestr-Kyyiv-Dniepr-Livonia. Thus a Fleet can be built in Kyyiv, but it can only move (and support) to Dpr and Dtr.
There are 5 land bridges that connect one land province directly to another.
Dalriada-Dunadd (Scottish Channel)
Dalriada-Alclud (Scottish Channel)
Gades-Tingis (Gibraltar Straight)
Calabria-Catana (Sicily Straight)
Viborg-Skandia (Danish Islands)
Thus any unit in Dal can move to Dun and Alc without convoy.
Of course this creates some “X” boundaries, as a unit can move Dal-Dun while another one moves SCO-SOM. These crossed moves doesn’t affect each other.
Province List
Name | x=SC, w=Water, l=Land | Abbreviation | Ownership |
Aachen | x | aac | – |
Adrianopla | x | adr | ROMAN |
Alclud | x | alc | – |
Alpes Cottiae | l | aco | – |
Alpes Maritimae | l | ama | – |
Alpes Penninae | l | ape | – |
Aquileia | x | aql | – |
Aquitania | l | aqt | – |
Argentoratum | x | arg | ROMAN |
Armagh | x | amg | SCOT |
Armorica | l | amc | – |
Arvernia | l | arv | – |
Asiana | l | asi | – |
Asturia | l | ast | – |
Athenas | x | ath | – |
Augusta Vindelicorum | x | aug | ROMAN |
Baltic Sea | w | bal | – |
Bayern | l | bay | – |
Belgica | l | bel | – |
Beneventum | l | ben | – |
Beograd | x | beo | – |
Biscay Gulf | w | bis | – |
Bohmen | l | boh | – |
Bolgaria | l | bol | – |
Bracara | x | bra | – |
Bremen | x | bre | SAXON |
Britania | x | bri | – |
Burdigala | x | bur | – |
Bryneich | l | bry | – |
Caesaraugusta | x | cae | ROMAN |
Calabria | l | clb | – |
Calchfynedd | l | clc | – |
Caledonia | l | cld | – |
Carthago | x | car | – |
Carthago Nova | l | cno | – |
Catana | x | cat | – |
Colonia Agrippina | x | cag | ROMAN |
Caucasia | l | cau | – |
Ceint | x | cei | – |
The Channel | w | cha | – |
Caer-Colun | l | col | – |
Connacht | l | cnn | – |
Constantinopla | x | con | ROMAN |
Cornish Sea | w | cor | – |
Dacia | l | dac | – |
Dalriada | l | dal | – |
Dewir | x | dew | – |
Dniepr Flumen | l | dpr | – |
Dniestr Flumen | l | dtr | – |
Dumnonia | x | dum | BRITON |
Dunadd | x | dun | – |
Caer-Durnac | l | drn | – |
Durocortorum | l | dur | – |
Ebrauc | x | ebr | – |
Elmet | l | elm | – |
Epirus | l | epi | – |
Fretum Herculeum | w | fre | – |
Gades | x | gad | – |
Genua | x | gen | – |
Germania Inferior | l | gin | – |
Germania Superior | l | gsu | – |
Gnezen | x | gne | VANDAL |
Granz | x | gra | VISIGOTH |
Gwent | l | gwe | – |
Caer-Gwinntguic | x | gwi | – |
Gwynedd | x | gwy | BRITON |
Haervej | l | hae | – |
Helvetia | l | hel | – |
Hessen | l | hes | – |
The Horde | x | hor | HUN |
Black Huns | x | bhu | HUN |
White Huns | x | whu | HUN |
Illiria | l | ill | – |
Irish Sea | w | iri | – |
Kherson | x | khe | OSTROGOTH |
Kyyiv | x | kyy | OSTROGOTH |
Lausitz | l | lau | – |
Lindsey | x | lin | – |
Livonia | x | liv | – |
Lothian | x | lot | PICT |
Lugdunum | x | lug | – |
Caer-Lundein | x | lun | – |
Lusitania | l | lus | – |
Lutetia | x | lut | – |
Macedonia | l | mac | – |
Magdeburg | x | mag | BURGUND |
Mahren | l | mah | – |
Mainz | x | mai | FRANK |
Mazovia | l | maz | – |
Mediolanum | x | med | – |
Meissen | x | mei | – |
Mare Aegeum | w | mae | – |
Mare Adriaticum | w | mad | – |
Mare Cantabricum | w | mca | – |
Mare Germanicum | w | mge | – |
Mare Internum | w | min | – |
Mare Ionium | w | mio | – |
Mare Lybium | w | mly | – |
Mare Tyrrhenum | w | mty | – |
Massilia | x | mas | – |
Mauretania | l | mau | – |
Moesia | l | moe | – |
Narbonensis | l | nar | – |
Neapolis | x | nea | – |
Noricum | l | nor | – |
North Sea | w | nth | – |
Norwegian Sea | w | nwg | – |
Numidia | x | num | – |
Oceanus Atlanticus | w | oce | – |
Odessus | x | ode | – |
Orkney | x | ork | PICT |
Pannonia | l | pan | – |
Passau | x | pas | VANDAL |
Pliska | x | pli | – |
Pommern | l | pom | – |
Pictish Sea | w | pic | – |
Pontus Euxinus | w | pon | – |
Porolissensis | l | por | – |
Powys | l | pow | – |
Pyrineus | l | pyr | – |
Ravenna | x | rav | – |
Rhaetia | l | rha | – |
Rheged | x | rhe | – |
Ribe | x | rib | ANGLE |
Roma | x | rom | ROMAN |
Sachsen | l | sac | – |
Saguntum | l | sag | – |
Schlesien | l | sch | – |
Skandia | l | ska | – |
Sea of Mann | w | som | – |
Eastern Slavonia | l | esl | – |
Western Slavonia | l | wsl | – |
Spoletium | l | spo | – |
Sredets | x | sre | – |
The Steppes | l | ste | – |
Strathclyde | l | str | – |
Scottish Sea | w | sco | – |
Sinus Liguricus | w | sin | – |
Tingitana | l | tin | – |
Tara | x | tar | SCOT |
Tarentum | x | trt | – |
Tarracona | x | trr | – |
Thuringen | l | thu | – |
Toletum | x | tlt | – |
Tolosa | x | tls | – |
Tuscania | l | tus | – |
Utrecht | x | utr | SAXON |
Vesontio | l | ves | – |
Viborg | x | vib | ANGLE |
Wlodzimierz | x | wlo | VISIGOTH |
Worms | x | wor | FRANK |
Wurzburg | x | wur | BURGUND |
Aachen, x aac
Adrianopla, x adr ROMAN
Alclud, x alc
Alpes Cottiae, l aco
Alpes Maritimae, l ama
Alpes Penninae, l ape
Aquileia, x aql ven
Aquitania, l aqt
Argentoratum, x arg ROMAN
Armagh, x amg SCOT
Armorica, l amc
Arvernia, l arv
Asiana, l asi
Asturia, l ast
Athenas, x ath
Augusta Vindelicorum, x aug avi ROMAN
Baltic Sea, w bal
Bayern, l bay nav
Belgica, l bel
Beneventum, l ben
Beograd, x beo
Biscay Gulf, w bis bob
Bohmen, l boh
Bolgaria, l bol
Bracara, x bra
Bremen, x bre SAXON
Britania, x bri
Burdigala, x bur
Bryneich, l bry
Caesaraugusta, x cae ROMAN
Calabria, l clb
Calchfynedd, l clc
Caledonia, l cld
Carthago, x car
Carthago Nova, l cno
Catana, x cat
Colonia Agrippina, x cag ROMAN
Caucasia, l cau
Ceint, x cei
The Channel, w cha
Caer-Colun, l col
Connacht, l cnn
Constantinopla, x con ROMAN
Cornish Sea, w cor
Dacia, l dac
Dalriada, l dal
Dewir, x dew
Dniepr Flumen, l dpr
Dniestr Flumen, l dtr
Dumnonia, x dum BRITON
Dunadd, x dun
Caer-Durnac, l drn
Durocortorum, l dur
Ebrauc, x ebr
Elmet, l elm
Epirus, l epi
Fretum Herculeum, w fre
Gades, x gad
Genua, x gen
Germania Inferior, l gin
Germania Superior, l gsu
Gnezen, x gne VANDAL
Granz, x gra VISIGOTH
Gwent, l gwe
Caer-Gwinntguic, x gwi
Gwynedd, x gwy BRITON
Haervej, l hae
Helvetia, l hel
Hessen, l hes
The Horde, x hor hun HUN
Black Huns, x bhu bla HUN
White Huns, x whu whi HUN
Illiria, l ill
Irish Sea, w iri
Kherson, x khe OSTROGOTH
Kyyiv, x kyy OSTROGOTH
Lausitz, l lau
Lindsey, x lin
Livonia, x liv
Lothian, x lot PICT
Lugdunum, x lug
Caer-Lundein, x lun
Lusitania, l lus
Lutetia, x lut par
Macedonia, l mac
Magdeburg, x mag BURGUND
Mahren, l mah
Mainz, x mai FRANK
Mazovia, l maz
Mediolanum, x med
Meissen, x mei
Mare Aegeum, w mae aeg
Mare Adriaticum, w mad
Mare Cantabricum, w mca can
Mare Germanicum, w mge
Mare Internum, w min wms wes
Mare Ionium, w mio ion ios
Mare Lybium, w mly lyb lse
Mare Tyrrhenum, w mty tys
Massilia, x mas mar
Mauretania, l mau
Moesia, l moe
Narbonensis, l nar
Neapolis, x nea nap
Noricum, l nor
North Sea, w nth
Norwegian Sea, w nwg
Numidia, x num
Oceanus Atlanticus, w oce mid mao
Odessus, x ode
Orkney, x ork PICT
Pannonia, l pan
Passau, x pas VANDAL
Pliska, x pli
Pommern, l pom
Pictish Sea, w pic pse
Pontus Euxinus, w pon
Porolissensis, l por
Powys, l pow
Pyrineus, l pyr
Ravenna, x rav
Rhaetia, l rha
Rheged, x rhe
Ribe, x rib ANGLE
Roma, x rom ROMAN
Sachsen, l sac
Saguntum, l sag
Schlesien, l sch
Skandia, l ska
Sea of Mann, w som
Eastern Slavonia, l esl
Western Slavonia, l wsl
Spoletium, l spo
Sredets, x sre
The Steppes, l ste tst
Strathclyde, l str
Scotish Sea, w sco
Sinus Liguricus, w sin
Tingitana, l tin
Tara, x tar SCOT
Tarentum, x trt
Tarracona, x trr
Thuringen, l thu
Toletum, x tlt
Tolosa, x tls
Tuscania, l tus
Utrecht, x utr SAXON
Vesontio, l ves
Viborg, x vib ANGLE
Wlodzimierz, x wlo VISIGOTH
Worms, x wor FRANK
Wurzburg, x wur BURGUND