G / H – Variants

vj14G.L.C. Battleground DiplomacyAntony Jones6
us09Gain DiplomacyMike Benyon 
sg14Galactic DiplomacyLen Lakofka6
sg10Galactic Empire IIDan Wilson5
vj02Gambling DiplomacyGreg Costikyan (included with vc01)7
pe03Game of the Clans I (Scottomacy)Wayne Hoheisel9
pe10Game of the Clans IIWayne Hoheisel and Stephen Agar8
pe29Game of the Clans IIIStephen Agar and Wayne Hoheisel10
fg01Game of Thrones Diplomacy IGary Mitchell6
fg02Game of Thrones Diplomacy II“echephron”7
vh02GemignaniJohn Leeder25
ls04Generalissimo VRichard Egan and Steve Franklin (includes ls05 and ls06)5
ls05Generalissimo VIRichard Egan and Steve Franklin (included with ls04)6
ls06Generalissimo-Gunboat VersionRichard Egan and Steve Franklin (included with ls04) 
pw06Genoan MachiavelliRowland Goodman (requires pw02)9
pw09Genoan Machiavelli IIRowland Goodman9
ru03Geophysical Diplomacy IJeremy Maiden7
ru01Geophysical Diplomacy IIJeremy Maiden, revised by Keith Black7
ru04Geophysical Diplomacy IIINick Kinzett7
ur01Geo-Shift DiplomacyPeter Aronsen and Lew Pulsipher 
za01German PolitiplomacyHartmut Halfmeier5
cg01Germany versus the WorldFred Davis (ex “cd06”) 
pe04Gesta Danorum (“I”)John Leeder8
pe19Gesta Danorum IIJohn Marsden7
rb62Get Them Dots Now!Lee Kendter, Jr.7
rx01Ghostly Ghastly DiplomacyGeorge Wallace (included with rx04)2
cc07Gibraltar Diplomacy IMartin Janta-Polczynski9
cc02Gibraltar IIMartin Janta-Polczynski9
rn23Gigaton Bomb VariantLeonard Miyata (ex “ra03”)7
rm53GITDipAndy Bate, Guy Thomas, Dave Richards and Eddy Richards7
rr18Glacial DiplomacyGraham Staplehurst7
ua01Global Diplomacy ILew Pulsipher7
gp33Global Diplomacy IIJohn Armstrong12
gp35Global Diplomacy IIIEric Pedersen6
gp32Global Skinny DiplomacyEric Brosius11
rb114Goals DiplomacyVincent Mous7
rb103GoofyRobert Rehbold7
ns11GothamTadd Moskal5
ns12Gotham – Taxi Cab variantTadd Moskal10
da02Grab for AfricaJohn Ketchell5
rm05Grand Fenwick’s Revenge DiplomacyStephen Tihor 
rv09Grand Tournament DiplomacyDrew McGee 
ns10Great Lakes VariantTadd Moskal7
rm29Great Neck VariantKen Halpern7
rn06GrowthKeith Black7
ls02Guelph VariantBob Bawtinheimer5
rn15Guerilla WarfareAndy Tringham7
cb26Guerrilla Warfare IIAndy Tringham and Steve Doubleday7
rb115Gunboat (for JUDGE)???7
rb32Gunboat DiplomacyAuthor Unknown7
rb59Gunboat IIFred Davis7
rd35Gunboat Stab!Andy Evans & Stephen Agar7
cv01GusherFred Davis (ex “cd07”)7
rc01Hague Night CourtMike Dominskyj7
rh14Half ChaosAuthor Unknown17
rm16Halocaust Diplomacy(“I”)Laurence Gillespie (also needs 1973 rules for something called “Halocaust”)7
rn03Hard Choice DippyDon Efron7
qr04HawkmoonWarner Airey7
ns07Hegemony Over Sandy EgoP. J. Gaughan5
np04Heiau DiplomacyBA Knight, LGK Duquesne, BS Baker and MF O’Neill 
mb07Heir to Charlamagne“All” 
rn14Heisenberg DiplomacyJeremy Maiden7
ag07HellasThomas Mittelbach8
pe23Heptarchy IGeoff Bache7
pe24Heptarchy IIGeoff Bache7
pe22Heptarchy IIIGeoff Bache7
pe25Heptarchy IVGeoff Bache7
uu12Heptaspherical DiplomacyJohn Dodds and Angus Walker7
uh04HickeryvilleGraham McAllion7
rb25Hidden StrengthRobert Sacks7
ei05High Level DiplomacyLarry Peery5
cs04High Renaissance, 1500 (“5”) 5
rz09High Speed DiplomacySteve Jilks3
vj10Hit and Run DiplomacyBruce McIntyre7
cb36Hitch-Hiker!Nicholas Whyte9
qh16Hitlers’ WarRay Furlong3
gf01HolocaustSteve McLendon9
gf28Holocaust IISteve McClendon9
gf29Holocaust IIIGlenn Overby9
rw02Holy Roman EmpireLew Pulsipher7
mc02Holy Roman Empire IIMichael Heaton (requires rw02)5
rb26Home Sweet HomeJ. Gross7
ag06Hoplite WarsStephen Agar7
rn45Hugh’s Engineered Diplomacy VariantHugh Polley7
rb74Humphrey’s DiplomacyBrian Duguid7
pn03HundredAndy Schwarz3
cs11Hundred Years War, 1336 (“10-A”, amended by F. Davis) 10
pn01Hundred Years’ War (I)Larry Peery8
pn02Hundred Years’ War (II)Steve Doubleday9
fh05HyboriaW. Airey7
fh07Hyboria IIWarner Airey7
fh01Hyborian Age Diplomacy IGary Gygax5
fh02Hyborian Age Variant IIBurt Labelle5
fh03Hyborian Age Variant IIITom Hubbard8
fh04Hyborian DiplomacyJim Peters 
fh06Hyboriax(“II”)Larry Dunning 
us01HyperbourseTom Swider 
cc08Hypereconomic Diplomacy I (ex “ge02”)Don Miller23
ge05Hypereconomic Diplomacy I-ADon Miller, Peter Ansoff, Steve Norris 
ge01Hypereconomic Diplomacy IIDon Miller and Peter Ansoff 3rd Edition, 197647
ge06Hypereconomic Diplomacy IIIGeoff Challinger and Don Miller 
ge03Hypereconomic Diplomacy IVTerry Mohrmann, Mike Bentley and Steve Norris48
ge04Hypereconomic Diplomacy VTerry Mohrmann 
rv03Hyperspace Diplomacy IIDon Miller7