ARDA | Variant | Designer | Players |
vj14 | G.L.C. Battleground Diplomacy | Antony Jones | 6 |
us09 | Gain Diplomacy | Mike Benyon | |
sg14 | Galactic Diplomacy | Len Lakofka | 6 |
sg10 | Galactic Empire II | Dan Wilson | 5 |
vj02 | Gambling Diplomacy | Greg Costikyan (included with vc01) | 7 |
pe03 | Game of the Clans I (Scottomacy) | Wayne Hoheisel | 9 |
pe10 | Game of the Clans II | Wayne Hoheisel and Stephen Agar | 8 |
pe29 | Game of the Clans III | Stephen Agar and Wayne Hoheisel | 10 |
fg01 | Game of Thrones Diplomacy I | Gary Mitchell | 6 |
fg02 | Game of Thrones Diplomacy II | “echephron” | 7 |
vh02 | Gemignani | John Leeder | 25 |
ls04 | Generalissimo V | Richard Egan and Steve Franklin (includes ls05 and ls06) | 5 |
ls05 | Generalissimo VI | Richard Egan and Steve Franklin (included with ls04) | 6 |
ls06 | Generalissimo-Gunboat Version | Richard Egan and Steve Franklin (included with ls04) | |
pw06 | Genoan Machiavelli | Rowland Goodman (requires pw02) | 9 |
pw09 | Genoan Machiavelli II | Rowland Goodman | 9 |
ru03 | Geophysical Diplomacy I | Jeremy Maiden | 7 |
ru01 | Geophysical Diplomacy II | Jeremy Maiden, revised by Keith Black | 7 |
ru04 | Geophysical Diplomacy III | Nick Kinzett | 7 |
ur01 | Geo-Shift Diplomacy | Peter Aronsen and Lew Pulsipher | |
za01 | German Politiplomacy | Hartmut Halfmeier | 5 |
cg01 | Germany versus the World | Fred Davis (ex “cd06”) | |
pe04 | Gesta Danorum (“I”) | John Leeder | 8 |
pe19 | Gesta Danorum II | John Marsden | 7 |
rb62 | Get Them Dots Now! | Lee Kendter, Jr. | 7 |
rx01 | Ghostly Ghastly Diplomacy | George Wallace (included with rx04) | 2 |
cc07 | Gibraltar Diplomacy I | Martin Janta-Polczynski | 9 |
cc02 | Gibraltar II | Martin Janta-Polczynski | 9 |
rn23 | Gigaton Bomb Variant | Leonard Miyata (ex “ra03”) | 7 |
rm53 | GITDip | Andy Bate, Guy Thomas, Dave Richards and Eddy Richards | 7 |
rr18 | Glacial Diplomacy | Graham Staplehurst | 7 |
ua01 | Global Diplomacy I | Lew Pulsipher | 7 |
gp33 | Global Diplomacy II | John Armstrong | 12 |
gp35 | Global Diplomacy III | Eric Pedersen | 6 |
gp32 | Global Skinny Diplomacy | Eric Brosius | 11 |
rb114 | Goals Diplomacy | Vincent Mous | 7 |
rb103 | Goofy | Robert Rehbold | 7 |
ns11 | Gotham | Tadd Moskal | 5 |
ns12 | Gotham – Taxi Cab variant | Tadd Moskal | 10 |
da02 | Grab for Africa | John Ketchell | 5 |
rm05 | Grand Fenwick’s Revenge Diplomacy | Stephen Tihor | |
rv09 | Grand Tournament Diplomacy | Drew McGee | |
ns10 | Great Lakes Variant | Tadd Moskal | 7 |
rm29 | Great Neck Variant | Ken Halpern | 7 |
rn06 | Growth | Keith Black | 7 |
ls02 | Guelph Variant | Bob Bawtinheimer | 5 |
rn15 | Guerilla Warfare | Andy Tringham | 7 |
cb26 | Guerrilla Warfare II | Andy Tringham and Steve Doubleday | 7 |
rb115 | Gunboat (for JUDGE) | ??? | 7 |
rb32 | Gunboat Diplomacy | Author Unknown | 7 |
rb59 | Gunboat II | Fred Davis | 7 |
rd35 | Gunboat Stab! | Andy Evans & Stephen Agar | 7 |
cv01 | Gusher | Fred Davis (ex “cd07”) | 7 |
rc01 | Hague Night Court | Mike Dominskyj | 7 |
rh14 | Half Chaos | Author Unknown | 17 |
rm16 | Halocaust Diplomacy(“I”) | Laurence Gillespie (also needs 1973 rules for something called “Halocaust”) | 7 |
rn03 | Hard Choice Dippy | Don Efron | 7 |
qr04 | Hawkmoon | Warner Airey | 7 |
ns07 | Hegemony Over Sandy Ego | P. J. Gaughan | 5 |
np04 | Heiau Diplomacy | BA Knight, LGK Duquesne, BS Baker and MF O’Neill | |
mb07 | Heir to Charlamagne | “All” | |
rn14 | Heisenberg Diplomacy | Jeremy Maiden | 7 |
ag07 | Hellas | Thomas Mittelbach | 8 |
pe23 | Heptarchy I | Geoff Bache | 7 |
pe24 | Heptarchy II | Geoff Bache | 7 |
pe22 | Heptarchy III | Geoff Bache | 7 |
pe25 | Heptarchy IV | Geoff Bache | 7 |
uu12 | Heptaspherical Diplomacy | John Dodds and Angus Walker | 7 |
uh04 | Hickeryville | Graham McAllion | 7 |
rb25 | Hidden Strength | Robert Sacks | 7 |
ei05 | High Level Diplomacy | Larry Peery | 5 |
cs04 | High Renaissance, 1500 (“5”) | | 5 |
rz09 | High Speed Diplomacy | Steve Jilks | 3 |
vj10 | Hit and Run Diplomacy | Bruce McIntyre | 7 |
cb36 | Hitch-Hiker! | Nicholas Whyte | 9 |
qh16 | Hitlers’ War | Ray Furlong | 3 |
gf01 | Holocaust | Steve McLendon | 9 |
gf28 | Holocaust II | Steve McClendon | 9 |
gf29 | Holocaust III | Glenn Overby | 9 |
rw02 | Holy Roman Empire | Lew Pulsipher | 7 |
mc02 | Holy Roman Empire II | Michael Heaton (requires rw02) | 5 |
rb26 | Home Sweet Home | J. Gross | 7 |
ag06 | Hoplite Wars | Stephen Agar | 7 |
rn45 | Hugh’s Engineered Diplomacy Variant | Hugh Polley | 7 |
rb74 | Humphrey’s Diplomacy | Brian Duguid | 7 |
pn03 | Hundred | Andy Schwarz | 3 |
cs11 | Hundred Years War, 1336 (“10-A”, amended by F. Davis) | | 10 |
pn01 | Hundred Years’ War (I) | Larry Peery | 8 |
pn02 | Hundred Years’ War (II) | Steve Doubleday | 9 |
fh05 | Hyboria | W. Airey | 7 |
fh07 | Hyboria II | Warner Airey | 7 |
fh01 | Hyborian Age Diplomacy I | Gary Gygax | 5 |
fh02 | Hyborian Age Variant II | Burt Labelle | 5 |
fh03 | Hyborian Age Variant III | Tom Hubbard | 8 |
fh04 | Hyborian Diplomacy | Jim Peters | |
fh06 | Hyboriax(“II”) | Larry Dunning | |
us01 | Hyperbourse | Tom Swider | |
cc08 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy I (ex “ge02”) | Don Miller | 23 |
ge05 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy I-A | Don Miller, Peter Ansoff, Steve Norris | |
ge01 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy II | Don Miller and Peter Ansoff 3rd Edition, 1976 | 47 |
ge06 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy III | Geoff Challinger and Don Miller | |
ge03 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy IV | Terry Mohrmann, Mike Bentley and Steve Norris | 48 |
ge04 | Hypereconomic Diplomacy V | Terry Mohrmann | |
rv03 | Hyperspace Diplomacy II | Don Miller | 7 |