Classix (rs44)

by Martin Janta-Polczynski

1) Classical board rules.  Six players:  No Austria-Hungary.  Italy has four centers (gains Trieste), Germany has five centers (gains Vienna, Budapest)

2) Switzerland is an ordinary province, the Caspian an ordinary sea.

3) A couple of neutral units are introduced; they stand in place (can never attack or move); they can be supported.

The standard set up for neutral units:  A Swi, A Swe, F Caspian.  The unused red colour can be used for them.

The power with less units than any other on the Board (if tied Gm determines randomly) may start sending orders for them and continue until another power with the least units sends orders for them;

Orders for neutral units may be: support, convoy, support of convoy (see 6)

Turkey or Russia may deliberately refrain from building a unit at the beginning of the game to gain control of F Caspian. If both Turkey and Russia elect to do this, then both fail and they build their usual units as per regular game.

4) Unspecified support:  you only need to state whom (which power) and where (which space) your unit supports.  A power can’t dislodge itself, so that ambiguous situations are immaterial.

5) PIG Convoy: 

In one move an army may embark on and/or disembark from a fleet on an adjacent sea.

The fleet may either hold, move one space or support the disembarkment.

Embarkments always succeed; the army may choose to or be forced to stay on board (and a/f = army/fleet is thus formed); an army once embarked loses all claim to its space of origin.

Disembarkment succeeds only if: (1) it is sufficiently supported when met by resistance and (2) the fleet’s order has succeed.

6) (Optional)  New neutral centers may be introduced (e.g. in Switzerland; North Africa; the big islands like Iceland, Ireland, Sardinia, …).  Mark those you choose with a black button, an adhesive black spot, etc…