Civilization Diplomacy (rm95)

by Babak Talebi

This game is played on any Variant map chosen by the GM, most often the Standard Diplomacy map.

The number of Civilizations (henceforth: CIV) can range from 7 to 13 (for a crowded game) on the standard map, and is not pre-announced.

Start Positions

The start positions should be randomly chosen for each CIV, assuring that no two starting players are in adjacent Supply Centers.  Each CIV starts the game on a supply center.  The game starts in the year 4000BC and each CIV starts off by choosing an appropriate name for their civilization, with the original home supply center being the one randomly chosen by the GM.  The CIVs do not know the number of or location of any other CIV.


Contact is established with other civilizations if and only if one of the following four occurs:

1. The move phase results in a bounce in a mutually adjacent location.
2. An enemy unit moves to a square adjacent to one occupied by a player unit (and vice versa).
3. An enemy unit moves to a square adjacent to the player’s SC (and vice versa).
4. Another player in the game, shares one of their contacts with you.

NOTE: Once contact occurs, the two CIVs can exchange e-mail, maps, and press. BUT note, that if the units no longer satisfy the first three of the above criteria, they no longer “see” each other.

Home SC

The first three (3) SCs controlled become the civilization’s Home SC.  IF the civilization controls 4 SC at the end of its second “winter” season, it will then have four (4) home SCs.


Resolving movement, retreat, disband, and build phases will occur as per the Diplomacy rules, but the GM must send a separate adjudication to each CIV indicating the movement they “see” (ie. Their own, and the units that they have immediate contact with) and establish new contacts if they are warranted (ie. give other CIVs email addresses).

Exchange and Gifts

The CIVs may exchange or give away several items. These gifts/exchanges are immediate and can take effect during any phase of the game. In all cases, one transaction must be completed (confirmed, accepted, rejected) before another can be offered.

1. Maps (exchange): if two or more CIVs (that have contact) all agree and confirm the exchange of maps (ie. Email the GM and all other CIVs also confirm the exchange), then they can authorize the GM to share a map of all the units that they can “see” with the other CIVs.

2. Maps (gift): A CIV may decide to give as a gift its maps to another CIV (that it has contact with).  To do this, the GM must be authorized by the gifting party to send a map of the units the CIV “sees” to the opposing CIV. NOTE: no fake or incomplete maps can be sent. The gift must be accepted by the receiving CIV.

3. Units (gift): both armies and fleets not on SCs can be given as gifts to other CIVs.  The receiving CIV must either accept or reject the gift.  NOTE: this may cause imbalances of units/SC thus causing builds/disbands for either CIV. (units can not be gifted during winter).  Remember, one transaction must be completed before another can begin.

4. Contact (gift): contact information regarding other CIVs can also be given as gifts, these must also go through the GM (so e-mails outside of the game are not exchanged or given as gifts), and they too must be accepted or rejected by the receiving CIV.
Note: all exchanged maps are for immediate positions only, the CIV will not be able to continue to “see” those units that it once viewed due to a previous exchange or gift.


Each movement phase will take 250 years.  Therefore:
     Spring 1901 = 4000BC
     Fall 1901     = 3750BC
     Spring 1902 = 3500BC
     Fall 1902     = 3250BC

Etc. etc. the retreat phases occur at the end of each movement year just as in normal Diplomacy.  Build/Disband phases (ie Winters) are directly preceding years 4000BC, 3500BC, 3000BC, etc etc.

Winning Conditions

The winning condition on each variant map is half the SC + 1. in the case of the standard map, it is of course 18 SC.