by René Krokowski and Frank Bacher
Battleisle is a synthetic variant for 6 players designed by René Krokowski and Frank Bacher. Synthetic means that the map was drawn without existing landscapes and/or countries in mind.
Winning Conditions: There are 18 owned and 24 neutral supply centers at the beginning of the game. Therefore 22 sc’s are needed to win.
Aiel: aie, rhu, drl
Borderlands: ara, kan, shi
D’Hara: Dha, ndh, poa
Midlands: ayd, nom, tam
Riverrun: har, riv, sea
Winterfell: cab, kar, win
Unowned: boz, brr, eyr, fad, fam, kin, mam, nch, nva, now, pel, rom, sem, sfi, sou, scm, sow, swm, sti, tal, voa, wrs, whm, yuf
Gamestart: The Game starts in Winter 0 with all players submitting their initial builds.
Characteristics of the map:
1.Bridges and armies: Armies are free to occupy all bridges. Convois from/to the bridges are possible, too.
2.Bridges and fleets: Bridges do not divide the surrounding waterspaces. For example: sss is the complete waterspace to the right _and_ to the left of boh. A similar situation occurs in wsf, nsf, esf, nss, scd and ncd fleets can occupy all bridges as they can occupy coastspaces. It is assumed that they move under (notonto:-)) a bridge in order to control it.
3.Both, fleets and armies, can move below a bridge, that is diverting two landspaces, in order to reach adjacent territories. E.g.: F kar – whh. It is assumed that the army or the fleet simply takes a stroll under the bridge along the beach. This problem/chance is limited to the following spaces in both directions: kar – whh, drl – tea, sea – not, tav-ari, sof – rsc, tum – kiw, tan – sdh, pel – ncm, swm – rim, nch – erm.
4. Please take care that the territory from which you want to move onto a bridge is not only adjacent to the bridge, but is adjacent to te bridges “entrance”. For example: You may move “not – bfh” but there is no way to order sea to bfh. Kar and drl work in the same way as sea. This limitation exists for both, fleets and armies.
5.Grey spaces: The grey spaces resemble impassable territories like high mountain ranges, swamps, dangerous coasts etc.
6.Islands: Sti cannot be reached by an fleet due to the impassable surrounding terrain. The two bridges leading to sti can, as all other bridges, be reached by fleets.
7.On a fictional map it isn’t that easy to name spaces in a senseful way. Therfore we decided to name the home countries and the surrounding landspaces according to some of our favorite fantasy series:
A Song of Ice and Fire – George R.R.Martin (Riverrun/Winterfell)
Wheel of time – Robert Jordan (Aiel/Borderlands)
Sword of truth – Terry Goodkind (D’Hara/Midlands)
8. The landspaces on our Battleisle got their names from Alaskan mountain ranges. Hopefully this illustrates how inhospitable this island will be for you conquerors:-)
This variant was designed by René Krokowski and Frank Bacher. Comments, suggestions and or questions are welcome.