by Lexi Pimenidis
The game will be played on a diplomacy board with most diplomacy rules. The only exceptions from standard diplomacy are done in the attack phase and the support phase.
- Usual Diplomacy rules apply.
- The game starts on an empty board.
- The turn order is
- Income, supply and build phase
- Spring movement phase
- Spring retreat phase
- Fall movement phase
- Fall retreat phase
- Multiple units of one nation may be in the same territory. Multinational forces are not allowed.
- There’s no weapon development.
- Combat and non-combat movement is done in one turn.
- Neutral countries may neither be bribed nor entered nor over flown with an aircraft.
- Each supply centre has an IPC value of 10.
- Each country starts with it’s tallied IPCs in the bank.
- Each unit may move in accordance with its movement value.
- Standard landing rules apply to air crafts – except: there’s no allied territory.
- The second movement step of the armours is done after all first movement step calculations have been done and the armour was involved in no combat in the first movement phase. Blitzing is possible.
- Each unit attacks with a strength equal to its attack dice value.
- Each unit defends with a strength equal to its defensive dice value.
- Attacks are resolved using Diplomacy rules (i.e. strength majority). The procedure is to tally the total defensive strength of the units in a province, and tally the total attacking strength of the units moving to that province + the total strength of units supporting the attack.
- Support can be cut if the province of the supporting piece is attacked. The amount of support cut equals strength of defence needed to avoid getting dislodged by attacker.
- Retreats are conducted after attacks are concluded, and all units must retreat into the same province, which must be adjacent. If a retreat cannot be made, then the units are disbanded. If it’s not possible for land wand water units to retreat into the same area then they may choose two different territories.
- Each supply phase, countries must deduct enough IPCs from the bank to support their units.
- Countries with a surplus of IPCs may build additional units, by deducting IPCs from the bank. Units may only be build in home centres, unlimited building per centre is allowed.
- Countries with a deficit of IPCs must disband units by removing them from the map until their deficit is removed.
- IPC transfer is not allowed.
- Convoys are done using transports. 1 transport can carry 1 armour, 1 infantry, 2 infantries or 1 AA-gun. Longer convoys are done using a longer line of transports (like in Diplomacy). The boarding unit must be in an adjacent territory to the transport and leaves it to another adjacent territory (like in Diplomacy).
It is allowed to convoy other nation’s units. - Shore bombardment is allowed.
- Strategic bombing is not allowed.
- Aircrafts are unable to conquer territory.
- Subs have no first strike and have an attack/defend value of 0/0 if taking part in combat on coastal territory against land-troups.
- AA-Guns can either move or defend, but not both in one turn.
- Planes have to specify their whole route from the starting point to the landing point. Each territory on the route containing at least on AA-Gun reduces the attack strength of the plane with 1 point. Multiple AA-Guns in a single territory don’t give multiple bonus.
if the landing place of an aircraft is conquered by another nation, the airplane may retreat into the next available friendly or empty territory, if it still has movements points available, otherwise it is destroyed. - A plane’s defence value does only count towards a territory defence total, if the plane is not involved any other action, i.e. don’t take off.